Jacob Danville in Genealogy Books

Jacob Danville appears in at least 40 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jacob Danville

Historical and biographical annals of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a concise history of the two counties and a genealogical and biographical record of representative families. V. 1

History of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a history of each county, their townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc, portraits of representative men, biographies, history of Pennsylvania, statistic

Genealogical and biographical annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania : containing a genealogical record of representative families, including many of the early settlers, and biographical sketches of prominent citizens, prepared from data

State papers of Vermont; Vol. 05

The Maine register, and business directory

Life and times of Rev. William Patton ; and annals of the Missouri Conference

Genealogical and personal history of northern Pennsylvania v. 2

History of the descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.

The Boone family : a genealogical history of the descendants of George and Mary Boone, who came to America in 1717 : containing many unpublished bits of early Kentucky history : also a biographical sketch of Daniel Boone, the pioneer by one of


Mennonite fam, v.24 ; Mennonite family history

A history of the pioneer families of Missouri, with numerous sketches, anecdotes, adventures, etc., relating to early days in Missouri : also the lives of Daniel Boone and the celebrated Indian chief Black Hawk, with numerous biographies and histories of primitive institutions

Spokane and the Spokane country : pictorial and biographical : deluxe supplement

Soldiers of the great war; v. 03

Illio - 1932

History of the Kuykendall family since its settlement in Dutch New York in 1646 : with genealogy as found in early Dutch church records, state and government documents, together with sketches of colonial times, old log cabin days, Indian wars,

History of Knox County, Ohio, its past and present : containing a condensed, comprehensive history of Ohio, including an outline history of the northwest; a complete history of Knox County; its townships, city, towns, villages, schools, churche

Biographical annals of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania : containing biographical and genealogical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and of many of the early settlers

Thomas Sanford, the emigrant to New England; ancestry, life,and descendants, 1632-4. Sketches of four other pioneer Sanfords and some of their descendants

History of Rockingham and Strafford counties, New Hampshire, with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men

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