Jacob Danforth in Genealogy Books

Jacob Danforth appears in at least 45 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Jacob Danforth

The history of Woodstock, Connecticut, Vol. 2

Plymouth memories of an octogenarian

New England Merchantile Union business directory for, 1849 : containing an almanac for 1849, ... a business directory for New England; name, location ... of manufacturing establishments, professional men ... advertising register ... of New York

Danforth genealogy : Nicholas Danforth, of Framlingham, England, and Cambridge, N. E. [1589-1638] and William Danforth, of Newbury, Mass. [1640-1721] and their descendants

History of Billerica, Massachusetts : with a genealogical register

The New England historical and genealogical register

The History of Boscawen and Webster, New Hampshire from 1733 to 1878 : a facsimile of the 1878 edition with a new foreword by members of the Webster Bicentennial Committee

Vital records of the town of Dorchester from 1826 to 1849

The family of Willis Vernon Farr, past and present : including descendants of his grandfather, Ivah Newton Farr, and a number of female lines

Foster genealogy : being a record of the posterity of Reginald Foster, an early inhabitant of Ipswich in New England, whose genealogy is traced back to Anacher, great forrester [sic] of Flanders, who died in 837 A.D., with wills, inventories, b

A report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston; Vol. 36

Suffolk deeds; Vol. 13

[Provincial and state papers]

History of Newbury, Mass., 1635-1902

The Stiles family in America : genealogies of the Massachusetts family, descendants of Robert Stiles of Rowley, Mass., 1659-1891 and the Dover, N.H., family, descendants of William Stiles of Dover, N.H., 1702-1891

The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Mass. : complete in three parts

History of Middlesex County, Massachusetts : containing carefully prepared histories of every city and town in the county, by wellknown writers, and a general history of the county, from the earliest to the present time; Vol. 01

Foster genealogy;

The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts : complete in three parts ...

A contribution to the history, biography and genealogy of the families named Sole, Solly, Soule, Sowle, Soulis, with other forms of spelling : from the eighth century to the present, with notes on collateral families, both foreign and American; Vol. 2

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