Henry Danforth in Genealogy Books

Henry Danforth appears in at least 99 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Henry Danforth

History of Berkshire County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of its prominent men

History of Billerica, Massachusetts : with a genealogical register

Annual report of the town of Hillsborough - 1939-1940

History of Merrimack and Belknap counties, New Hampshire, pts. 1 & 2

Vital records of Wakefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Query names index : a full name index of queries published in the query sections of numerous genealogical periodicals - v. 2, no. 2 Apr 1974

The Eckler-Ackler-Ackley family

Danforth genealogy : Nicholas Danforth, of Framlingham, England, and Cambridge, N. E. [1589-1638] and William Danforth, of Newbury, Mass. [1640-1721] and their descendants

A history of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, Rhode Island : including a history of other Episcopal churches in the state

Soldiers of the War of 1812 : a few earlier and a few later; mostly from Onondaga County

A genealogical history of the French and allied families

Annual report of the town of Hillsborough

Annual report of the municipal officers of the town of Norway

Tristram Dodge and his descendants in America : with historical and descriptive accounts of Block Island and Cow Neck, R.I., their original settlements

Andrew Newcomb, 1618-1686, and his descendants : a revised edition of "Genealogical memoir" of the Newcomb family published 1874 by John Bearse Newcomb, Elgin, Illinois

A Census of pensioners for Revolutionary or military services : with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking the sixth census

The Lovejoy genealogy, with biographies and history, 1460-1930 : especially recording the American descendants and the English ancestry of John Lovejoy (1622-1690) of Andover, Mass., and Joseph Lovejoy (1684-1748) of Prince George County, Md., but also embracing all known data on other persons bearing the Lovejoy name, whether or not identified with the emigrant ancestors

Farnsworth memorial II : second edition of the "Farnsworth memorial" published 1897

National year book (Sons of the American Revolution) - 1911

Westbrook family genealogy of Ulster, Orange, Pike and Sussex Counties

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