Governor Dix in Genealogy Books

Governor Dix appears in at least 74 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Governor Dix

1911 New York red book : an illustrated legislative manual containing the portraits and biographies of the U.S. Senators, Governor, state officers and members of the legislature; also with the portraits of judges and court reporters, the new consitution of the state, election and population ...

History of New York State, 1523-1927 V. 5

Life of Thurlow Weed, including his autobiography and a memoir ..; Vol. 02

The life and letters of Roscoe Conkling, orator, statesman, advocate

Life sketches of executive officers and members of the Legislature of the state of New York for 1873

Leslie's history of the greater New York V.3


History of New York State Conference, Daughters of the American Revolution : its officers and chapters with national officers from New York and roster of real daughters

The footprints of time : and a complete analysis of our American system of government, with a concise history of the original colonies and of the United States

Genealogical notes of New York and New England families

... New York : the planting and the growth of the Empire state

History of Jackson County, Iowa v.1

The Historical magazine and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America

Some account of the Cone family in America, principally of the descendants of Daniel Cone, who settled in Haddam, Connecticut, in 1662

The War of the Rebellion : a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies; ser. 01, v. 27, pt. 02

The Methodist review

Genealogies of the State of New York : a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation, vol. 1


Genealogical notes of New York and New England families

The political manual, comprising numerous important documents connected with the political history of America

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