George Dresden in Genealogy Books

George Dresden appears in at least 59 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for George Dresden

History of Dresden, Maine : formerly a part of the old town of Pownalborough from its earliest settlement to the year 1900

Brooklyn, New York, city directory

Blüte und Niedergang Hochadliger Geschlechter im Mittelalter : eine bis an die Karolingerzeit zurückgreifende geschichtliche Darstellu ng

Brooklyn, New York, city directory

Brooklyn, New York, city directory

The manuscripts of the Marquess Townshend ..

Bulletin of the Essex Institute

Names of soldiers of the American revolution : who applied for state bounty under resolves of March 17, 1835, March 24, 1836 and March 20, 1836, as appears of record in land office

Abstract of general orders and proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual encampment, Department of New York, G.A.R., held at Buffalo, N.Y. March 9 and 10, 1892

History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages;

Zanesville and Muskingum County, Ohio : a history of the Indians who trod this section ere the white man came, of the making of city and county by the heroic pioneers and the growth of local civilization during six score fruitful years, Vol. 3

The town register, 1903-4 : Pittston, Chelsea, Randolph

I Was a Slave in Russia: An American Tells His Story

The Granite monthly : a magazine of literature, history and state progress

History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages;

Archiv fu?r Stamm- und Wappenkunde

James Lewis French : his ancestors and descendants with allied lines

The founding of the German Empire by William I; based chiefly upon Prussian state documents;

History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages;

The Derby School register, 1570-1901.

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