George Dec in Genealogy Books

George Dec appears in at least 3174 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for George Dec

Vital records of Belfast Maine, to the year 1892 ..

The parish register of Kensington, Co., Middlesex, from A.D. 1539-A.D. 1675; Vol. 16

The register of Worthen [1558-1812] Vol. 1; Vol. 01

Abstracts of probate acts in the Prerogative court of Canterbury, Vol. 7. 1654

The registers of Seaham in the county of Durham : baptisms 1646-1812, marriages 1652-1812, burials 1653-1812; Vol. 22

Somerset parish registers. Marriages. V. 13

The parish registers of Wellow, in the county of Nottingham

Shropshire Parish registers


Trentham parish register

The parish register of Braithwell; v. 01

Index of wills in the York Registry, Vol. 6. Index to wills in the York Registry, 1389-1514

The registers of the parish of Wandsworth in the county of Surrey, 1603-1787

Vital records of Framingham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

The registers of the parish church of Rothwell, Co. York; pt. 02

Shropshire parish registers diocese of Hereford; Vol. 16

Index to obituary notices in the Religious Herald, 1828-1938

History and roster of Maryland volunteers, war of 1861-5

The Ryerson genealogy : genealogy and history of the Knickerbocker families of Ryerson, Ryerse, Ryerss; also Adriance and Martense families; [and] all descendants of Martin and Adriaen Reyersz (Reyerszen) of Amsterdam, Holland

Shropshire Parish registers. Diocese of Lichfield. v. 1-

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