Freeman Dod in Genealogy Books

Freeman Dod appears in at least 12 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Freeman Dod

Records of the town of Newark, New Jersey, from its settlement in 1666, to its incorporation as a city in 1836

Records of the town of Newark, New Jersey from its settlement in 1666, to its incorporation as a city in 1836, Vol. 6

History of the Oranges, in Essex County, N. J., from 1666 to 1806

Documents relating to the revolutionary history of the state of New Jersey, Series 1,  Vol. 35

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, vol. 35

History of the Oranges to 1921 : reviewing the rise, development and progress of an influential community; v. 01

The ancestry of Rev. Nathan Grier Parke & his wife, Ann Elizabeth Gildersleeve

The New Jersey genesis - v. 3, no. 3 (Apr. 1956)

Bourne family

Whispers from the past : a source book of civil war veterans' personal histories

History of Essex and Hudson counties, New Jersey V.1

The New Jersey genesis - v. 2, no. 1 (Oct. 1954)

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