Franklin Davenport in Genealogy Books

Franklin Davenport appears in at least 79 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Franklin Davenport

Addresses of the alumni of Amherst College

The territorial records of Illinois, No. 3

Annual reports of officers and committees of the town of Leyden, Massachusetts for the year ending ..

Mayflower Pilgrim descendants in Cape May County, New Jersey : memorial of the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1620-1920; a record of the Pilgrim descendants who early in its history settled in Cape May County, and some of their children throughout the several states of the union at the present time

Richmond, Virginia, city directory

The New England historical and genealogical register

Midwestern heritage - v. 4, no. 2 Dec 1976

The territorial papers of the United States, Vol. 17

Stone's Davenport city directory - 1888

Remingtons of Utah, with their ancestors and descendants

Remingtons of Utah, with their ancestors and descendants

Historical and biographical annals of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a concise history of the two counties and a genealogical and biographical record of representative families. V. 1

Annual report of the town officers of the town of Leyden for the year ending ..

Register of the Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1893-1922

Chisholm genealogy, being a record of the name from A. D. 1254; with short sketches of allied families

The Vermont historical gazetteer : a magazine embracing a history of each town, civil, ecclesiastical, biographical and military; Vol. 02

Sorting some of the Wrights of Southern Virginia : part VI, 1779 John Wright of Prince Edward County, his wife Anne (Pryor) Wright, and their descendants, vol. 1

Texas state gazetteer and business directory. - 1882-83

The history of Salisbury, New Hampshire : from date of settlement to the present time

Index of wills, inventories, etc. in the office of the Secretary of State prior to 1901; vol.01

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