Francis Dutch in Genealogy Books

Francis Dutch appears in at least 23 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Francis Dutch

Surname index (Soundex) files; Hoa-Jur

Van Dyck family

Ecclesiae londino-batavae archivum

Robert Calef of Boston : and some of his descendants

A history of Moniteau County, Missouri

The Cossart family

Genealogies of the State of New York : a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation, vol. 3

Winney family, Saratoga Co., N.Y. branch

Abstracts of wills on file in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York, 1665-1801. V. 6

The Meredith collection, Vol. 2

The family of Best in America of Holland descent : with copious biographical notes, 1700-1901

The manuscripts of His Grace the Duke of Portland, preserved at Welbeck abbey ..

The Heritage Genealogical Society quarterly (Kansas) - v. 4, no. 4 Apr 1975

Matchett's Baltimore director : for ..

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1988

The family of Best in America of Holland descent : with copius biographical notes, 1700-1901

Portrait and biographical album of DeKalb County, Illinois : also containing a history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time

The Official roster of the soldiers of the American Revolution buried in the state of Ohio, Vol. 1

A List of works in the New York Public library relating to Scotland

Collections of the New York Historical Society - v. 30 (1897)

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