Francis Do in Genealogy Books

Francis Do appears in at least 117 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Francis Do

1930 Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps

The register of St. Nicholas Without, Dublin. 1694-1739

History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared in compliance with acts of the legislature

A list of the officers of the army.., 1820

A list of the officers of the army...1819

A list of the officers of the army.. - 1820

History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared in compliance with acts of the legislature

List of voters in the several electoral districts of British Columbia in force on the first of September...

History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared in compliance with acts of the legislature

Register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States ... : with the names, force, and condition of all ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built; together with a c

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Vol. 3

Wisconsin census enumeration, 1895 : names of ex-soldiers and sailors residing in Wisconsin, June 20, 1895

New England Merchantile Union business directory for, 1849 : containing an almanac for 1849, ... a business directory for New England; name, location ... of manufacturing establishments, professional men ... advertising register ... of New York

History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; v. 01

List of the names of such officers and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army : as have acquired a right to lands from the United States, and who have not yet applied therefor [sic] January 16, 1838

Polk's Toledo city directory

Military minutes of the council of appointment of the state of New York, 1783-1821. V. 2

Washington (District of Columbia), city directory

Register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States ... : with the names, force, and condition of all ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built; together with a c

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Vol. 8

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