Frances Dan in Genealogy Books

Frances Dan appears in at least 60 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Frances Dan

Vital records of Deerfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Vital records of Deerfield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1983

The Hickman family history : John Peter Hickman (1740-1825) and his descendants : including the allied families of Barger, Bennett, Blevins, Blakeley, Brown, Bullock, Harkins, Hart, Hartsock, Hatcher, Howell, Littler, Morton, Odell, Rowlett, Spahr, Walden, Whisenand and Wolfe Vol. 2

Armorial families; a complete peerage, baronetage, and knightage, and a directory of some gentlemen of coat-armour, and being the first attempt to show which arms in use at the moment are borne by legal authority

The parish registers of St. Edmund the King and Martyr, Lombard Street, London, 1670-1812

Polk's El Dorado (Butler County, Kans.) city directory - 1986

Pioneering in Kiowa County; v. 01

Early records, Hampshire County, Virginia, now West Virginia : including at the start most of known Va. aside from Augusta District

The registers of St. Mary, in the South Bailey, in the City of Durham : baptisms, 1560-1812, mariages, 1559-1812, burials, 1559-1812; Vol. 17

The Parish register Skipton-in-Craven, 1592-1812; Vol. 02

The Thomas Shifflett family from Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri

Seldens of Virginia and allied families


Fragmenta genealogica

Visitation of England and Wales

Marriage bonds of the ancient archdeaconry of Chester now preserved at Chester; Vol. 101

The Hickman family history : John Peter Hickman (1740-1825) and his descendants : including the allied families of Barger, Bennett, Blevins, Blakeley, Brown, Bullock, Harkins, Hart, Hartsock, Hatcher, Howell, Littler, Morton, Odell, Rowlett, Spahr, Walden, Vol. 3

Yorkshire fines for the Stuart period, Vol. 1

The parish registers of Aldenham, Hertfordshire

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