First Dorsey in Genealogy Books

First Dorsey appears in at least 27 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for First Dorsey

The Dorsey family : descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations ; and allied families

History of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska : with brief historical sketches of the state and of Lancaster County

History of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska : with brief historical sketches of the state and of Lancaster County

Official Army register of the volunteer force of the United States Army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65, vol. 7

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1972

Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth, Sr

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1973

Side-lights on Maryland history : with sketches of early Maryland families v. 2

Sons of men, Evansville war record

Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth, Sr.

Side-lights on Maryland history : with sketches of early Maryland families

The Sigma Chi Fraternity manual and directory : issued in accordance with the constitution and statutes, and under the direction of the executive committee

History of the Fourth Maine battery, light artillery, in the civil war, 1861-65; containing a brief account of its services compiled from diaries of its members and other sources. Also personal sketches of many of its members and an account of its reunions from 1882 to 1905

The War of the Rebellion : a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies; ser. 01, v. 13

The rebellion record : a diary of American events, vol. 10

The founders of Anne Arundell and Howard counties, Maryland : a genealogical and biographical review from wills, deeds and church records

Shipley, Mitchell and Thompson families : notes based in part on researchs of Kate A. Thompson

Official Army register of the volunteer force of the United States Army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65, vol. 5

Southern Historical Society papers

Official Army register of the volunteer force of the United States Army for the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, '65, vol. 4

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