Farmer Deering in Genealogy Books

Farmer Deering appears in at least 24 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Farmer Deering

A genealogical register of the descendants of George Abbot of Andover, George Abbot of Rowley, Thomas Abbot of Andover, Arthur Abbot of : Ipswich, Robert Abbot of Branford, Ct. and George Abbot of Norwalk, Ct

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The statistics and gazetteer of New Hampshire : containing descriptions of all the counties, towns and villages, also, boundaries and area of the state, and its natural resources

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

Annual reports of the town officers of Antrim, N.H, 1928-1934

Annual report of the town of Hillsborough, 1887-1893

Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, town farm and superintending school committee of the town of Hopkinton, 1910-1913

Alumni and non-graduate directory of the University of Maine, 1921

Annual reports of the town officers of Antrim, N.H, 1900-1909

A genealogical register of the descendants of George Abbot, of Andover : George Abbot, of Rowley, Thomas Abbot, of Andover, Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich, Robert Abbot, of Branford, Ct. and George Abbot, of Norwalk, Ct.

General register of the members of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, 1850-1920

The Torrey families and their children in America; Vol. 01

General catalogue of Bowdoin College and the Medical School of Maine, 1794-1912

Annual report of the town of Hillsborough, 1900-1905

Winslow memorial : family records of the Winslows and their descendants in America : with the English ancestry as far as known : Kenelm (1) Winslow, Vol. 2

A business directory of the subscribers to the new map of Maine, with a brief history and description of the state

Gustavus Boswell and descendants

Fund publication

The founders of Maryland : as portrayed in manuscripts, provincial records and early documents

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

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