Fairfield Darke in Genealogy Books

Fairfield Darke appears in at least 24 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Fairfield Darke

"Biographical directory, general assembly, Ohio, 1929-1930"

United States official postal guide, July 1939, vol. 2, no 1

Biographical annals of Ohio : a handbook of the government and institutions of the state of Ohio, vol. 1

Hartford times : genealogical queries and answers, 1918-1966 - 1953

History of the Church of the Brethren of the Southern District of Ohio

The Hufford family history, 1729-1909

Biographical and historical sketches; a narrative of Hamilton and its residents from 1792 ...

History of Franklin County : a collection of reminiscences of the early settlement of the county : with biographical sketches and a complete history of the county to the present time

The history of Darke County, Ohio : containing a history of the county; its cities, towns, etc.; general and local statistics; portraits of early settlers and prominent men; history of Ohio; map of Darke County; Constitution of the United State

A Biographical history of Darke County, Ohio : compendium of national biography

Historical collections of Ohio in two volumes, an encyclopedia of the state

The "Old Northwest" genealogical quarterly

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

Wandering Wolfs : a newsletter for Wolf, Wolfe, Woolf, etc., Vol. 7

Historical collections of Ohio in two volumes : an encyclopedia of the state : history both general and local, geography with descriptions of its counties, cities and villages, its agricultural manufacturing, mining and business development, sk, Vol. 1

Ferguson files : a newsletter for Ferguson and variants researchers, Vol. 1

The Report (Ohio Genealogical Society)

Genealogical reference builders newsletter - v. 6, no. 1 Feb 1972

Historical collections of Ohio in two volumes : an encyclopedia of the state, history both general and local, geography with descriptions of its counties, cities and villages, its agricultural, manufacturing, mining and business devolopment, sk

History of the city of Columbus, capital of Ohio, Vol. 1

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