English Dames in Genealogy Books

English Dames appears in at least 40 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for English Dames


Miscellanea VII

Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, Vol. 2


The American historical register


A literary and biographical history, or biographical dictionary, of the English Catholics, from the breach with Rome, in 1534 to the present time, Vol. 3

Woman's who's who of America : a biographical dictionary of contemporary women of the United States and Canada, 1914-1915

The Potter record : [Frank Hunter Potter, Robert Potter]

History of the noble house of Stourton, of Stourton, in the county of Wilts;

The American monthly magazine

History of Florida, past and present, historical and biographical

American women; the standard biographical dictionary of notable women

Notes and queries

Notes and queries

Miscellanea I

The genealogist

Miscellanea VI : Bedingfeld papers

John Porter Tull and his descendants

Annals of the house of Percy, from the conquest to the opening of the nineteenth century

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