Eliza Dix in Genealogy Books

Eliza Dix appears in at least 39 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Eliza Dix

Upham genealogy; the descendants of John Upham, of Massachusetts, who came from England in 1635, and lived in Weymouth and Malden..

Vital records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 v. 4

The Methodist quarterly review

Royal county directory of Devonshire

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

Genealogy of the name and family of Hunt : early established in America from Europe, exhibiting pedigrees of ten thousand persons, enlarged by religious and historic readings [and] enriched with indices of names and places

Genealogy of the Stimpson family of Charlestown, Mass., and allied lines

Genealogy of the Darlington family : a record of the descendants of Abraham Darlington of Birmingham, Chester Co., Penn[sylvani]a, and of some other families of the name compiled and edited by Gilbert Cope

Hawkeye heritage - v. 7, no. 1 (Jan 1972)

Lewisiana, or the Lewis letter

Genealogy of the Darlington Family : a record of the descendants of Abraham Darlington of Birmingham, Chester Co., Penna., and of some other families of the name

The ancestors of Eleanor Bedford Wilkins Cooch and Edward Webb Cooch

Descendants of Nevil Wayland : genealogical data

Genealogy of the Stimpson family of Charlestown, Mass. : and allied lines

Genealogy of the Baily family of Bromham, Wiltshire, England : and more particularly of the descendants of Joel Baily who came from Bromham about 1682 and settled in Chester County, Pa.

Eastern Cherokee Walkers; claims of people by the name Walker intermarried with the Cherokee Indians

William and Mary College quarterly historical magazine - v. 22, no. 4 Oct 1942

Obituaries from the Sullivan daily times; 1921

The Plumer genealogy : Francis Plumer, who settled at Newbury, Massachusetts, and some of his descendants

Genealogical and family history of central New York; a record of the achievements of her people in the making of a commonwealth and the building of a nation

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