Eliza Dibble in Genealogy Books

Eliza Dibble appears in at least 16 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Eliza Dibble

Hartford times : genealogical queries and answers, 1918-1966 - 1958

Your ancestors, a national magazine of genealogy and family history - v. 4, no. 11-12 Nov-Dec 1950

A record of the descendants of Samuel Denison, late of Floyd, Oneida Co., N.Y., with notices of his ancestry, commencing with William Denison, who came to America in 1631 and settled in Roxbury, Mass

The Babbitt family history,1643-1900

Mendenhalls in the United States : a listing of the United States census data for the Mendenhall family, Vol. 3

George Wightman of Quidnessett, R. I., 1632-1721/2, and descendants : Waitman, Weightman, Whiteman, Whitman, Whytman, Wightman, Wyghtman

Dickerman genealogy : descendants of Thomas Dickerman, an early settler of Dorchester, Massachusetts

Tennessee records : Bible records and marriage bonds

Life of George Dewey, rear admiral, U.S.N.; and Dewey family history : being an authentic historical and genealogical record of more than fifteen thousand persons in the United States by the name of Dewey, and their descendants : Life of Rear Admiral George Dewey

A record of the descendants of Samuel Denison, late of Floyd, Oneida Co., N.Y., with notices of his ancestry, commencing with William Denison, who came to America in 1631 and settled in Roxbury, Mass

Vital records of Chester, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

The New York genealogical and biographical record

Biographical register of Saint Andrew's Society of the state of New York, Vol. 2

The Lackor family : (Lackore-Lacore-La Core-Lucore)

Biographical review containing biographical sketches of leading citizens of Clinton and Essex counties, New York

Records of St. Peters Episcopal Church, formerly St. George's, Milford, Connecticut, 1832-1868 : baptisms, confirmations, communicants, marriages, burials

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