Eliza Delano in Genealogy Books

Eliza Delano appears in at least 24 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Eliza Delano

The Medford historical register

The Brewster genealogy, 1566-1907; a record of the descendants of William Brewster of the "Mayflower." ruling elder of the Pilgrim church which founded Plymouth colony in 1620;

History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A. D. 1605; with family genealogies

The Waterman family, Vol. 1

History of Ellenwood-Wharton and 20 allied families, 1620-1968 : Needham, Shedd, Doty, Potter, Chamerlain, Irvine, Wier, Smith, Sanor, Wilkinson, Soule, Devol, Fleck, Cowell, Henderson, Delano, Oakes, Bent, Freeman, Atherton

Ancient landmarks of Plymouth

Genealogical and personal history of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania;

The history of Salisbury, New Hampshire : from date of settlement to the present time

Sketches of the old inhabitants and other citizens of old Springfield of the present century and its historic mansions of "ye olden tyme" : with one hundred and twenty-four illustrations and sixty autographs

Crocker genealogy

Vital records of Northbridge, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Illustrated history of Kennebec County, Maine, 1625-1799-1892

The Sampson family

History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, Maine, from their first exploration, A. D. 1605 : with family genealogies; Vol. 02

Genealogical and personal history of the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania, Vol. 1

Genealogical and personal history of northern Pennsylvania v. 1

The Copeland family, Copeland genealogy

Boston marriages from 1752 to 1809

Ebbets : the history and genealogy of a New York family

The American genealogical index, Vol. 16

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