Eliza Daniels in Genealogy Books

Eliza Daniels appears in at least 51 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Eliza Daniels

A genealogical register of the descendants of the early planters of Sherborn, Holliston, and Medway, Massachusetts

Vital records of Medway, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Vital records of Grafton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

The Stout family of Delaware: with the story of Penelope Stout

History of the descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.

Vital records of Georgetown, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Genealogical account of the descendants of John Kelly of Newbury, Massachusetts

A general history of the Burr family in America : with a genealogical record from 1570 to 1878

Smith-Bonham, 1631-1908

A genealogy of the family of Millers from 1570 to 1925 : reminiscences, sketches of history, births, deaths, marriages, occupations, religious and political views, memoirs, educational advantages, addresses, etc. ...

History and genealogy of the ancestors and some descendants of Stukely Westcott : one of the thirteen original proprietors of Providence Plantation and the colony of Rhode Island with especial mention of the Westcotts of Cheshire, Berkshire Cou

The Stout family of Delaware : with the story of Penelope Stout

Biographical and portrait cyclopedia of Fayette County, Pennsylvania

Fort Wayne, Indiana, city directory

History of the descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Massachusetts

A general history of the Burr family in America : with a genealogical record from 1570 to 1878

A genealogy of the descendants of John Thomson of Plymouth, Mass. Also sketches of families of Allen, Cooke and Hutchinson

Missouri pioneers, county and genealogical records

Richard Haines and his descendants, a Quaker family of Burlington County, New Jersey, since 1682

Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society

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