Edward Delano in Genealogy Books

Edward Delano appears in at least 51 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Edward Delano

"Ancient landmarks of Plymouth : part 1, historical sketch and titles of estates; part 2, genealogical register of Plymouth families"

Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. Part I. Historical sketch and titles of estates. Part II. Genealogical register of Plymouth families

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. - 1846-1847

Vital records of Nantucket, Massachusetts to the year 1850, vol. 2

The genealogical advertiser : a quarterly magazine of family history, Vol. 2

New England Merchantile Union business directory for, 1849 : containing an almanac for 1849, ... a business directory for New England; name, location ... of manufacturing establishments, professional men ... advertising register ... of New York

Chicago census report; and statistical review, embracing a complete directory of the city, showing the number of persons in each family, male and female, birth-place and ward now residing in, with a vast amount of valuable, statistical, historical and commercial information

Town register: Damariscotta, Newcastle, Bristol, Bremen, Muscongus Island [called Louds Is.] 1906;

Genealogical record of some of the Noyes descendants of James, Nicholas and Peter Noyes

The Whiteside book

Chronicles of Cushing and Friendship containing historical, statistical, and miscellaneous information of the two towns ..

Binghamton : its settlement, growth and development, and the factors in its history, 1800-1900

Kettenring family in America; Kettenring, Kettering, Kettring, Ketring, Ketron, Cattron, Catron

Fifty years and over of Akron and Summit County : embellished by nearly six hundred engravings--portraits of pioneer settlers, prominent citizens, business, official and professional--ancient and modern views, etc.; nine-tenth's of a century of solid local history--pioneer incidents, interesting events--industrial, commercial, financial and educational progress, biographies, etc.

History of Ellenwood-Wharton and 20 allied families, 1620-1968 : Needham, Shedd, Doty, Potter, Chamerlain, Irvine, Wier, Smith, Sanor, Wilkinson, Soule, Devol, Fleck, Cowell, Henderson, Delano, Oakes, Bent, Freeman, Atherton

John Pruett & Sarah Hankins, their descendants of Southwest Virginia

The Mayflower and Alden kindred historiographer; Vol .01

Descendants of Francis Le Baron of Plymouth, Mass.

Colonial and revolutionary families of Pennsylvania; genealogical and personal memoirs

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 046

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