Edward Darius in Genealogy Books

Edward Darius appears in at least 67 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Edward Darius

The history of Woodstock, Connecticut, Vol. 2

The Stebbins genealogy, Vol. 2

The Dorsey family : descendants of Edward Darcy-Dorsey of Virginia and Maryland for five generations ; and allied families

Genealogy of the Claflin family : being a record of Robert Mackclothlan of Wenham, Mass., and of his descendants, 1661-1898

The Ralph Sprague genealogy

The Ticknor family in America : being an account of the descendants of William Ticknor of Scituate, and of other immigrants named Ticknor or Tickner

Lyon memorial

A history of old Braintree and Quincy : with a sketch of Randolph and Holbrook / by William S. Pattee

The Holmans in America : concerning the descendants of Solaman Holman who settled in West Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1692-3 one of whom is William Howard Taft, the President of the United States. Including a page of the other lines of Holmans i; v. 1

A Census of pensioners for Revolutionary or military services : with their names, ages, and places of residence, as returned by the marshals of the several judicial districts, under the act for taking the sixth census

The Learned family (Learned, Larned, Learnard, Larnard and Lerned) : being descendants of William Learned, who was of Charlestown, Massachusetts in 1632

History of the town of Durham, New Hampshire (Oyster River Plantation) with genealogical notes, Vol. 2

The Learned family (Learned, Larned, Learnard, Larnard and Lerned) : being descendants of William Learned, who was of Charleston, Massachusetts in 1632

Biographical history of Westchester County, New York..

Lyon memorial

Genealogical and personal memoirs relating to the families of Boston and eastern Massachusetts v. 1

A genealogical and historical register of the descendants of Edward Morris of Roxbury, Mass., and Woodstock, Conn.

Supplement (to v. 2) of "A history of the Putnam family in England and America" : ...

Bradbury memorial, records of some of the descendants of Thomas Bradbury of Agamenticus (York) in 1634, and of Salisbury, Mass., 1638 : with a brief sketch of the Bradburys of England.

A genealogical and historical register of the descendants of Edward Morris of Roxbury, Mass,. and Woodstock, Conn.

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