Edward Danville in Genealogy Books

Edward Danville appears in at least 54 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Edward Danville

Historical and biographical annals of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a concise history of the two counties and a genealogical and biographical record of representative families. V. 1

The genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland families : an attempt to trace in both the male and the female lines the posterity of Moses Cleveland who came from Ipswich, County Suffolk, England, about 1635, was of Worburn, Middlesex County, Ma v. 1

The Hickman family history : John Peter Hickman (1740-1825) and his descendants : including the allied families of Barger, Bennett, Blevins, Blakeley, Brown, Bullock, Harkins, Hart, Hartsock, Hatcher, Howell, Littler, Morton, Odell, Rowlett, Spahr, Walden, Vol. 4

Hathaways of America

Old English and new, 300 years of the English family in North America : a family history of the Adbill, Allen, Anscheringer, Clements, Cogswell, Doty, English, Gerhardt, Harris, Klophel, Ludlow, Mason, Smith, Whitfield & others

Gazetteer of Caledonia and Essex counties, Vt., 1764-1887

The Hickman family history : John Peter Hickman (1740-1825) and his descendants : including the allied families of Barger, Bennett, Blevins, Blakeley, Brown, Bullock, Harkins, Hart, Hartsock, Hatcher, Howell, Littler, Morton, Odell, Rowlett, Spahr, Walden, Whisenand and Wolfe Vol. 2

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

The Gilbert family history and the Humphrey line, 1616-1961

History of Kentucky V.1

Parsons family : descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons,, Springfield, 1636--Northampton, 1655

King and Queen County, Virginia

History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois, centennial record

The Shepard families of New England, Vol. 1

History of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a history of each county, their townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc, portraits of representative men, biographies, history of Pennsylvania, statistic

History of North Carolina, Vol. 2

Miscellaneous obits with Warren Co., Il. Connections, vol. 7

Haynes eagle : a genealogical research bulletin of the Haynes Surname Association - v. 3, no. 5, (Mar 1969)

Collins historical sketches of Kentucky : history of Kentucky; v. 01

Index to the contents of the Vermont historical gazetteer compiled, edited and published by Abbie M. Hemenway; prepared under the direction of George W. Wing.

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