Ed Di in Genealogy Books

Ed Di appears in at least 32 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Ed Di

N.W. Ayer & Son's directory, newspapers and periodicals - 1945

The National dean's list - 8th ed., v. 1 (1984/85)

A family of decent folk, 1200-1741: a study in the centuries growth of the Lanfredini, merchant-bankers, art-patrons, and house-builders of Florence, with portraits and documents for the most part unpublished, an introduction, notes, and a genealogical pedigree

Compendio storico-genealogico della patrizia famiglia Trasmondo.

Storia dei Romani

Recollections of the table-talk of Samuel Rogers : to which is added Porsoniana

Gli Alberti di Firenze; genealogia, storia e documenti

Memoirs; containing a genealogical and historical account of the ... house of Stanley, from the Conquest to the death of James late earl of Derby, in the year 1735; as also a full description of the Isle of Man, &c

[Pedigree books of the Mesa Family History Center] : Pedigree book 10

The National dean's list - 10th ed., v. 1 (1986/87)

Record of St. Joseph County, Michigan, soldiers and sailors in service in the Great War; v. A-J

Alumni directory - 1994

Letture sopra la mitologia vedica fatte dal prof. Angelo de Guvernatis

Essays in legal history read before the International Congress of Historical Studies, held in London in 1913

Who's who in the clergy, 1935-36

Handbuch der classischen Bibliographie

The American historical review

The genealogical history of the Croke family, originally named Le Blount

Deer Isle, Maine : vital records

Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere

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