Ebenezer Daggett in Genealogy Books

Ebenezer Daggett appears in at least 58 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Ebenezer Daggett

Inscriptions copied from tombstones : New Jordan Cemetery, Taft Cemetery, Pine Plains Cemetery, Brick Church Cemetery, Cort Cemetery, Sterling Cemetery

Vital records of Wrentham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Vital records of Sutton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 067

York deeds; Vol.12 Part 2

Register of the Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1893-1922

The Holmans in America : concerning the descendants of Solaman Holman who settled in West Newbury, Massachusetts, in 1692-3 one of whom is William Howard Taft, the President of the United States. Including a page of the other lines of Holmans i; v. 1

The Miller family : descendants of Frank Miller, who settled in Waldoborough, Mass., now Maine, in 1753

Lineage book V. 122

The genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland families : an attempt to trace in both the male and the female lines the posterity of Moses Cleveland who came from Ipswich, County Suffolk, England, about 1635, was of Worburn, Middlesex County, Ma v. 1

Lineage book V. 140

Historical gazetteer and biographical memorial of Cattaraugus County, N. Y.

A history of the town of Industry, Franklin County, Maine, from the earliest settlement in 1787 down to the present time, embracing the cessions of New Sharon, New Vineyard, Anson, and Stark. In two parts, including the history and genealogy of many of the leading families of the town

Lineage book V. 15

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 140

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 127

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 015

The abridged compendium of American genealogy : first families of America : a genealogical encyclopedia of the United States; v. 03

Vital records of Tisbury, Massachusets, to the year 1850

Monroe County, Indiana index of names of persons and of firms

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