Eastman Durfee in Genealogy Books

Eastman Durfee appears in at least 31 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Eastman Durfee

The American genealogical index, Vol. 20

The American genealogical index, Vol. 8

The American genealogical index, Vol. 7

The American genealogical index, Vol. 9

The American genealogical index, Vol. 37

The American genealogical index, Vol. 1

The American genealogical index, Vol. 36

Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society v. 8

Rolls and lists of Connecticut men in the Revolution, 1775-1783 V.8

The American genealogical index, Vol. 6

The American genealogical index, Vol. 11

The American genealogical index, Vol. 40

Gazetteer and business directory of Addison County, Vt., for 1881-82

The American genealogical index, Vol. 16

The American genealogical index, Vol. 4

The American genealogical index, Vol. 2

Cemetery records of Hancock County, Maine; v. 01

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 145

Lineage book V. 10

Annual report of the city of Burlington

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