Durham Duvall in Genealogy Books

Durham Duvall appears in at least 20 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Durham Duvall

Official register of the United States : containing a list of officers and employees in the civil, military, and naval service - 1887 V. 2

Centennial history of Madison County, Indiana : an account of one hundred years of progress, 1823-1923, vol. 1

Indianapolis, Indiana city directory

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

The National dean's list - 10th ed., v. 1 (1986/87)

Banyan - 1956

Journal of North Carolina genealogy - v. 5, index (1959)

Historical court records of Washington, District of Columbia : death Records of Washington, D. C., 1801 to 1878; Vol. 01

The British invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815

Kettenring family

Trigg County, Kentucky, newspaper genealogical abstracts, Vol. 1

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

Maryland historical magazine - v. 34, no. 4 (Dec. 1939)

Southern relatives, vol. 2

1798 property tax list and 1820 census of Montgomery County, Tennessee

The banyan

History of Pettis County, Missouri

Negley USA : history and genealogy, vol. 4

Revolutionary War pension applicants who served from South Carolina

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