Dean Ditto in Genealogy Books

Dean Ditto appears in at least 24 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Dean Ditto

Calendar of the Stuart papers belonging to His Majesty the King, preserved at Windsor Castle

Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and other analogous documents preserved in the Public Record Office

State of the accounts of the county lieutenants during the War of the Revolution, 1777-1789; ser. 03, v. 05

Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester [microform]

Report on the manuscripts of the Earl of Mar and Kellie, preserved at Alloa House, N.B

Chetham miscellanies

Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society

A letter to Sir Robert Inglis, Bart., M.P. : on certain statements in an article of the Edinburgh Review, no. 193, entitled "Bishop Phillpotts"

Genealogy -- Strobridge, Morrison or Morison, Strawbridge

"Close rolls of the reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office, Vol. 3. 1234-1237"

An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk : containing a description of the towns, villages, and hamlets, with the foundations of monasteries, churches, chapels, chantries, and other religious buildings ..

Report on the manuscripts of Allan George Finch, Esq., of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland

Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, or Charleston, S. C., 1754-1810

The Official roster of the soldiers of the American Revolution buried in the state of Ohio, vol. 3

Pennsylvania archives. Fifth series

Revolutionary pensioners of 1818

The Colonial records of North Carolina : published under the supervision of the trustees of the public libraries, by order of the General Assembly. V. 16

Pennsylvania archives. Third series. V. 05

The Boston news-letter, and city record

History of the City of Dublin, vol. 1

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