Davidson Dawes in Genealogy Books

Davidson Dawes appears in at least 28 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Davidson Dawes

The index of citizens and freedmen of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes in Indian Territory

The Natal civil service list

Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, or Charleston, S. C., 1754-1810

Moore's directory of the city of Muskogee : an alphabetic list of business firms and private citizens, churches and schools and a classified business directory also an official, benevolent and social directory, 1903

Allegations for marriage licences issued between 1673-1770; with an appendix of allegations discovered whilst the ms. was passing through the press

Ancestors and descendants of Myra Irene (Irena) Sanders

Memorials of the dead in Boston; containing exact transcripts of inscriptions on the sepulchral monuments in the King's Chapel burial ground, in the city of Boston. With copious historical and biographical notices of the early settlers of the metropolis of New England

The Utah genealogical and historical magazine

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 065

Membership roster, September, 1965 : the Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, roster and roll of honor, 1903-1956

The Lovejoy genealogy, with biographies and history, 1460-1930 : especially recording the American descendants and the English ancestry of John Lovejoy (1622-1690) of Andover, Mass., and Joseph Lovejoy (1684-1748) of Prince George County, Md., but also embracing all known data on other persons bearing the Lovejoy name, whether or not identified with the emigrant ancestors

History of Berkshire County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of its prominent men

The Montanan - 1949

Davidson, the name and the arms

Genealogical statistics and notes

Family names and their story

Family names and their story

Lineage book V. 65

Robert Coe, Puritan, his ancestors and descendants, 1340-1910 : with notices of other Coe families

Boston club book for 1888 : containing a full list of members and addresses of all Boston clubs of any social or political prominence

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