David Dinwiddie in Genealogy Books

David Dinwiddie appears in at least 22 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for David Dinwiddie

Genealogical records of the Dinwiddie clan of North-western Indiana

Virginia settlers in Missouri

Some Virginia marriages, 1700-1799, vol. 6-12

Everton's genealogical helper - v. 13, no. 3 Sep 1959

Everton's genealogical helper - v. 8, no. 3 Sep 1954

A Roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution : commemoration of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976, vols. 1-2; v. 01

The history of the state of Ohio

Encyclopedia of genealogy and biography of Lake County, Indiana, with a compendium of history, 1834-1904 : a record of the achievements of its people in the making of a commonwealth and the founding of a nation

Roster of soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution buried in Indiana

Northwestern Indiana from 1800 to 1900; or, A view of our region through the nineteenth century

Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia

Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia (1619-1776). V. 13

Everton's genealogical helper; v. 25, no. 2 Mar 1971

Young's history of Lafayette County, Missouri, vol. 2

William and Mary College quarterly historical magazine

Tennessee, the volunteer state, 1760-1923. v. 1

Official bulletin of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

History and genealogies of the families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh and Brown : with interspersions of notes of the families of Dadney, Reid, Martin, Broaddus, Gentry, Jarman, Jameson, Ballard, Mullins, Michie

Lincoln County, Kentucky marriages, 1780-1851 : Lincoln County formed 1780 from Kentucky County, Virginia

Executive journals of the Council of colonial Virginia V. 5

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