David Dey in Genealogy Books

David Dey appears in at least 69 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for David Dey

A genealogy of the family of Millers from 1570 to 1925 : reminiscences, sketches of history, births, deaths, marriages, occupations, religious and political views, memoirs, educational advantages, addresses, etc. ...

The history of the Treman, Tremaine, Truman family in America, with the related families of Mack, Dey, Board and Ayers : being a history of Joseph Truman of New London, Conn. (1666); John Mack of Lyme, Conn. (1680); Richard Dey of New York city (1641); Cornelius Board of Boardville, N.J. (1730); John Ayer of Newbury, Mass. (1635); and their descendants

Index of wills, inventories, etc. in the office of the Secretary of State prior to 1901 v. 2

The history of the Treman, Tremaine, Truman family in America : with the related families of Mack, Dey, Board and Ayers : being a history of Joseph Truman of New London, Conn. (1666); John Mack of Lyme, Conn. (1680); Richard Dey of New York City; Cornelius Board of Boardville, N.J. (1730); John Ayer of Newbury, Mass. (1635); and their descendants, Vol. 1

Surname index (Soundex) files; Rai-Sto

History of Bergen and Passaic counties, New Jersey : with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men

History of the Old Tennent Church : containing a connected story of the church's life, sketches of its pastors, biographical references to its members, all its earlier record lists, full quotations of its earlier historical records, a complete

History of Norfolk County, Virginia, and representative citizens

New York City directory - 1849-1850

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, vol. 34

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

Comptonology - v. 5, no. 7 (Nov. 1951)

Trow's general directory of the boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, city of New York

History of Bergen and Passaic counties, New Jersey, with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men

Dictionary of American family names

The Lower Norfolk County Virginia antiquary; Vol. 01 - 03

McElroy's Philadelphia directory for ...

The National dean's list - 10th ed., v. 1 (1986/87)

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