David Danville in Genealogy Books

David Danville appears in at least 48 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for David Danville

Grandpap's family - a Banks family genealogy : descendants of James Banks of the northern neck of Virginia, Vol. 1

History of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a history of each county, their townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc, portraits of representative men, biographies, history of Pennsylvania, statistic

Gazetteer of Caledonia and Essex counties, Vt., 1764-1887

Historical and biographical annals of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a concise history of the two counties and a genealogical and biographical record of representative families. V. 1

Index to the contents of the Vermont historical gazetteer compiled, edited and published by Abbie M. Hemenway; prepared under the direction of George W. Wing.

American biography : a new cyclopedia, Vol. 49

A biographical congressional directory, 1774 to 1903 : the Continental Congress: September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788, inclusive [and] the United States Congress: the First Congress to the Fifty-seventh Congress, March 4, 1789, to March 4, 19

Genealogical and biographical annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania : containing a genealogical record of representative families, including many of the early settlers, and biographical sketches of prominent citizens, prepared from data

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866

Vital records of Augusta, Maine, to the year 1892; vol. 2

New England Merchantile Union business directory for, 1849 : containing an almanac for 1849, ... a business directory for New England; name, location ... of manufacturing establishments, professional men ... advertising register ... of New York

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

The Maine historical and genealogical recorder

Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America, founded June 1 ... 1847. Semi-centennial biographical catalogue, with data to December 31, 1899

History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois, centennial record

Early Columbia, the beginnings of a small Kentucky town

Genealogy & history : devoted to American family and local history, and allied interests - v. 3, no. 9 (Oct. 1942)

History of Androscoggin County, Maine ..

History of Columbia and Montour counties, Pennsylvania : containing a history of each county, their townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc. ...

The Alumni record of the University of Illinois : including historical sketch and annals of the university, and biographical data regarding members of the faculties and the boards of trustees

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