Daniel Dec in Genealogy Books

Daniel Dec appears in at least 1618 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Daniel Dec

The Spalding memorial : a genealogical history of Edward Spalding of Virginia and Massachusetts Bay and his descendants, with a record of their military service in the colonial, Revolutionary and Civil wars, together with information concerning

Vital records of Ashburnham, Massachusetts : to the end of the year 1849

Vital records of Topsfield, Massachusetts

A History and genealogy of Chief William McIntosh, Jr., and his known descendants

Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 : a family register for the people, 1900, v.7

Revised register of the soldiers and sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866

Pennsylvania archives

A History and genealogy of Chief William McIntosh, Jr., and his known descendants; Part 01

Alphabetical index of births, marriages and deaths, recorded in Providence..

Alphabetical index of births, marriages and deaths, recorded in Providence..

Bardwell/Bordwell descendants

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, Vol. 38

The Regyster booke of chrystenynges, maryages and buryalls of the parish of St. Alphaege in the cyttye of Canterburye, 1558-1800

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Marriage records of Bibb County, Alabama, 1820-1860 : being transcribed and indexed from the original marriage books

Vital records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of year 1849, v.1

Genealogy of the Greely-Greeley family

A History of the Lutheran Church in New Hanover, Montgomery County, Penna

Contributions for the genealogies of the first settlers of the ancient county of Albany, from 1630 to 1800

Descendants of Bishop Jacob Eash, born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, A.D. 1774

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