Daniel Davison in Genealogy Books

Daniel Davison appears in at least 70 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Daniel Davison

History of the Old Tennent Church : containing a connected story of the church's life, sketches of its pastors, biographical references to its members, all its earlier record lists, full quotations of its earlier historical records, a complete

Births, baptisms, marriages and deaths from the records of the town and churches in Mansfield, Connecticut, 1703-1850

Descendants of David and Amyes (Colle) Thomson and their son, John : ten generations of Thomasons descended from David, who died on Thompsons's Island in Massachusetts Bay, and his son, John, of Mendon, Massachusetts

The Guy Davisson genealogy : from Daniel Davisson, born in Scotland, in the year of our Lord 1630 through Guy Davisson, Jefferson County, Iowa, 1877-1946, to 1972-75 when this material was collected from the direct descendants of Guy Davisson

Documents relating to the colonial history of the state of New Jersey, vol. 34

Bennington County, Vermont, genealogical gleanings

History of the Dudley family : with genealogical tables, pedigrees, &c

History of Johnson County, Indiana : from the earliest time to the present, with biographical sketches, notes, etc. together with a short history of the Northwest, the Indiana territory, and the state of Indiana

The Sterling genealogy, Vol. 2

History of Allen County, Ohio and representative citizens

The South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine

Obituaries [compiled from the] South Idaho Press, [Burley, Idaho] : 2005

Passenger lists from Ireland : excerpted from Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, volumes 28 and 29; vol. 28,29

Descendants of Richard Church of Plymouth, Mass

The history of the Dudley family; containing the genealogy of each branch in various countries, from their first settlement in America, and tracing the ancestry back to the Norman Conquest of England

A history of the towns of Bristol and Bremen in the state of Maine : including the Pemaquid Settlement

Adair's Belfast directory

The Hubbard family genealogical newsletter - no. 17 (Oct. 1975)

Inventory of the county archives of Indiana

Twenty-fifth anniversary of the New York genealogical and biographical society, February 27th, 1894

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