Charles Dennis in Genealogy Books

Charles Dennis appears in at least 570 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Charles Dennis

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

Atlanta, DeKalb and Fulton counties, Ga. city directory : contains buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory, alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, complete street and avenue guide ... business telep

Indianapolis, Indiana city directory

Massachusetts soldiers, sailors, and marines in the Civil War; v. 9

Kelly's directory of the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex : 9with coloured maps)

New York City directory - 1842-1843

[New York tombstone inscriptions] : counties of Montgomery, Tompkins, and Saratoga.

Gazetteer of Berkshire County, Mass., 1725-1885

Revised register of the soldiers and sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866

The Allen memorial. Second series. Descendants of Samuel Allen of Windsr, Conn., 1604-1907

A genealogy of the families of John Rockwell of Stamford, Conn., 1641, and Ralph Keeler of Hartford, Conn., 1639

Polk's Indianapolis (Marion County, Ind.) city directory

Annual report of the Adjutant General of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations for the year 1865, Vol. 1. Infantry regiments

The Worcester directory containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory and the city and county register

Massachusetts year book and business directory of every town and city in the state

Gazetteer of Berkshire County, Mass., 1725-1885

Crocker-Langley San Francisco directory - 1909

Syracuse directory, 1908 ; The Syracuse directory : including Solvay; gives names, occupations and addresses of all men eighteen years old or over, women who carry on business or are employed

Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued in the province of Pennsylvania previous to 1790

Sagamore - 1968

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