Catherine De in Genealogy Books

Catherine De appears in at least 1282 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Catherine De

The Wallop family and their ancestry, Vol. 1

Armorial général de la France ..

An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk : containing a description of the towns, villages, and hamlets, with the foundations of monasteries, churches, chapels, chantries, and other religious buildings ..

The parish registers of St. Chad, Saddleworth, in the county of York, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1613-1800 : with supplement and appendix, containing additional information connected with the church, and a fragmentary

Les généaologies historiques des rois, empereurs, &c : et de toutes les maisons souveraines qui ont subsisté jusqu'à présent, exposées dans les cartes généalogiques tirées des meilleurs auteurs, avec des explications historiques et chronologiques ..

Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued by the secretary of the province of New York, previous to 1784

Swiss emigrants to the Palatinate in Germany and to America, 1650-1800 and Huguenots the Palatinate and Germany, Vol. 2

"The royal lineage of our noble and gentle families, together with their paternal ancestry, vol. 3"

Inventaire sommaire des archives départementales antérieures à 1790 (archives civiles, série B); v. 01

Almanach de Gotha

Oeuvres completes de Voltaire

An armorial of Jersey, Vol. 1 : being an account, heraldic and antiquarian, of its chief native families, with pedigrees, biographical notices and illustrative data ; to which are added, a brief history of heraldry, and remarks on the medieval antiquities of the island

Almanach de Gotha

Histoire de la maison de Broc, Vol. 3

Almanach de Gotha

Collections for a history of Staffordshire V.A topographical and genealogical history of the county of Suffolk 10

Almanach de Gotha

Histoire de la maison royale de France anciens barons du royaume : et des grands officiers de la couronne, Vol. 5

Œuvres de Walter Scott

G?n?alogie historique de la maison de Sabran-Pont?ves : extrait de l'Armorial g?n?ral de France, registre suppl?mentaire

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