Burton Dat in Genealogy Books

Burton Dat appears in at least 15 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Burton Dat

Descriptive catalogue of Derbyshire charters in public and private libraries and muniment rooms


Cartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. dioeceseos, Ordinis s. Augustini, fundati A. D. MCXIX ..

Genealogical abstracts of wills, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Register "Wootton" 1658. vol. I-

Memorials of Beverley Minster: the Chapter Act Book

The vestry book and register of Bristol Parish, Virginia, 1720-1789

Genealogical abstracts of wills, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Register "Wootton" 1658. vol. I-

Admissions to the college of St. John the Evangelist in the Universtiy of Cambridge

The Publications - Lincoln Record Society

The genealogical history of the Croke family, originally named Le Blount

The Publications of the Thoresby Society : miscellanea -; v. 33

The Publications - Lincoln Record Society

Genealogical Abstracts of Wills proved in the prerogative Court of Canterbury : register "Wootton" 1658

Middlesex county records. V. 4

Northern notes and queries : devoted to the antiquities of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmoreland and Durham, Vol. 1

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