Bradford Deputy in Genealogy Books

Bradford Deputy appears in at least 129 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Bradford Deputy

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

General register of the Society of Colonial Wars, 1899-1902 : constitution of the General society


The genealogical and biographical history of the Manning families of New England and descendants

The Francis Richard family : from French nobility to Florida pioneers, 1300-1900

Lineage book

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

Pilgrim notes and queries - V. 5 no. 6 Oct 1917

Memoir of the life and character of Mrs. Mary Anna Boardman, with a historical account of her forefathers, and biographical and genealogical notices of many of her kindred and relatives

The genealogy of the descendants of Henry Kingsbury, of Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass.

Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars 1897-1898 : constitution of the General society

The Rockwell family in America. A genealogical record, from 1630 to 1873

Lineage book of the charter members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 059

The Ingersolls of Hampshire : a genealogical history of the family from their settlement in America; in the line of John Ingersoll, of Westfield, Massachusetts

The Wights : a records of Thomas Wight of Dedham and Medfield and of his descendants, 1635-1890

An index of ancestors and roll of members of the Society of Colonial Wars : the honor roll, services of members of the society during the World War, 1917-1918

The Talmadge, Tallmadge and Talmage genealogy; being the descendants of Thomas Talmadge of Lynn, Massachusetts, with an appendix including other families

Universities and their sons : history, influence and characteristics of American universities with biographical sketches and portraits of alumni and recipients of honorary degrees; v. 04

The genealogy of the descendants of Henry Kingsbury : from Ipswich and Haverhill, Mass.

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