Ave Donnelly in Genealogy Books

Ave Donnelly appears in at least 30 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Ave Donnelly

Who's who among the women of California : an annual devoted to the representative women of California with an authoritative review of their activities in civic, social, athletic, philanthropic, art and music, literary and dramatic circles

Ohio State history of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Alumni directory of the University of Maine, 1912

Year book (United Church of Christ)

Johnson County North, KS Polk city directory - 2013 (v. 2)

Alumni directory - 2000

Idaho state gazetteer and business directory - v. 8 (1916)

The family of Captain John Mills of Medway and Sherborn, Mass., and Amherst, N. H.

Alumni and non-graduate directory of the University of Maine, 1921

The Sigma Chi Fraternity manual and directory : issued in accordance with the constitution and statutes, and under the direction of the executive committee

NGS newsmagazine - v. 26, no. 3 (May 2000)

Yearbook of American and Canadian churches - 1961

Johnson County North, KS Polk city directory - 2013 (v. 1)

Swaynes descended from Francis Swayne of East Marlborough Township Chester County, Pennsylvania

Harvard University directory : a catalogue of men now living who have been enrolled as students in the university

The Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society, Vol. 28

The book of Detroiters: a biographical dictionary of leading living men of the city of Detroit

Holy Cross College bulletin

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Vol. 57

The official roster of Ohio soldiers, sailors, and marines in the World War, 1917-1918, vol. 5

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