Av Dillard in Genealogy Books

Av Dillard appears in at least 17 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Av Dillard

Official register of the United States : containing a list of officers and employees in the civil, military, and naval service - 1887 V. 2

A twentieth century history and biographical record of north and west Texas / B.B. Paddock, editor. V.2

Handbook of American genealogy; v. 1

A history of Evansville and Vanderburgh County, Indiana : a complete and concise account from the earliest times to the present, embracing reminiscences of the pioneers and biographical sketches of the men who have been leaders in commercial and other enterprises

Biographical and historical memoirs of northwest Louisiana : Comprising a large fund of biography of actual residents, and an interesting historical sketch of thirteen counties

Pocatello (Bannock County, Idaho) city directory : contains buyers' guide and a complete classified business directory - 1974

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1976

Lewiston, Idaho, Clarkston, Washington city directory : including an alphabetical list of names of city and rural residents - 1966

Fort Dodge (Webster County, Iowa) city directories - 1968

Texas business directory for 1878-9. An index to the mercantile, manufacturing and professional interests of the state, compiled by Texas Directory Co.

Kansas City, Kansas, city directory - 1965

Mississippi, comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons : arranged in cyclopedic form. V. 2

The Handbook of American genealogy, Vol. 1

Ninth annual report of the Library Board of the Virginia State Library 1911-1912 : to which is appended the ninth annual report of the State Librarian

Reminiscences of fifty years in Texas

Memorial history of Louisville from its first settlement to the year 1896, Vol. 1

Official manual of the State of Missouri - 1917-1918

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