Augusta Dinwiddie in Genealogy Books

Augusta Dinwiddie appears in at least 26 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Augusta Dinwiddie

Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 1726 to 1871

Archives of Maryland

Annals of Augusta County, Virginia, from 1726 to 1871

The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763

Descriptive list of manuscript collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin together with reports on other collections of manuscript material for American history in adjacent states

The Lock-on : the Lokrig family recorder, vol. 14

The Lock-on : the Lokrig family recorder, vol. 13

The official records of Robert Dinwiddie : Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-1758

United States official postal guide

History of Kentucky V.1

United States official postal guide - Jan. 1902

A memoir of a portion of the Bolling family in England and Virginia

History of Tazewell County and southwest Virginia, 1748-1920 PT. 1

Official letters of the governors of the state of Virginia

Federal population censuses 1790-1890 : a catalog of microfilm copies of the schedules

The old free state : a contribution to the history of Lunenburg County and southside Virginia

History of Tazewell County and southwest Virginia, 1748-1920

A memoir of a portion of the Bolling family in England and Virginia

Some Virginia marriages, 1700-1799, vol. 6-12

Some Virginia marriages, 1800-1825, Vol. 1-4

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