Aug Dowling in Genealogy Books

Aug Dowling appears in at least 28 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Aug Dowling

Record of service of Connecticut men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866, Vol. 8

Annals of Platte County, Missouri : from its explorations down to June 1, 1897, with genealogies of its noted families, and sketches of its pioneers

The Dulin family America

Zeta Psi Fraternity of North America, founded June 1 ... 1847. Semi-centennial biographical catalogue, with data to December 31, 1899

Genealogical gleanings of Siggins, and other Pennsylvania families; a volume of history, biography and colonial, revolutionary, civil and other war records including names of many other Warren County pioneers

Somerset parish registers. Marriages. V. 14

U. S. Army register - v. 1

Gloucestershire parish registers, marriages. V. 1

Wiltshire parish registers. Marriages. V. 6

Essex antiquarian, v. 3-4

The register book of marriages belonging to the parish of St. George, Hanover square, in the county of Middlesex

History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5; prepared in compliance with acts of the legislature

The Ryerson genealogy : genealogy and history of the Knickerbocker families of Ryerson, Ryerse, Ryerss; also Adriance and Martense families; [and] all descendants of Martin and Adriaen Reyersz (Reyerszen) of Amsterdam, Holland

Middlesex parish registers, marriages. V. 8

Field genealogy : being the record of all the Field family in America whose ancestors were in this country prior to 1700 : emigrant ancestors located in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Virginia : all descendant; v. 2

Annual report of the Adjutant General of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations for the year 1865, Vol. 2. Cavalry and artillery regiments

Minnesota in the Civil and Indian wars, 1861-1865

The registers of Denchworth, Co. Berks, 1540-1812

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