April Dearborn in Genealogy Books

April Dearborn appears in at least 49 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for April Dearborn

Foster genealogy;

Genealogy of the family of Samborne or Sanborn in England and America. 1194-1898

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

The history of Raymond, N.H.

Genealogical and family history of the state of Maine;

History of Monmouth and Wales

Genealogy of the Greely-Greeley family

The New Hampshire register and United States calendar

History of Northfield, New Hampshire, 1780-1905 : in two parts, with many biographical sketches and portraits, also pictures of public buildings and private residences

Annual reports - 1921

History of medicine and surgery, and physicians and surgeons of Chicago

Annual reports

Annals of the town of Warren, in Knox County, Maine : with the early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo patent

The genealogy of the Worthington family

Foster genealogy : being a record of the posterity of Reginald Foster, an early inhabitant of Ipswich in New England, whose genealogy is traced back to Anacher, great forrester [sic] of Flanders, who died in 837 A.D., with wills, inventories, b

Descendants of Chase Whitcher of Warren, N. H. : fourth in descent from Thomas Whittier of Salisbury (Haverhill), Mass.

Historical sketch of the town of Troy, New Hampshire and her inhabitants : from the first settlement of the territory now within the limits of the town in 1764-1897

History of the town of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire : from the time of the first settlement within its borders, 1640 until 1900; Vol. 01

History of the Wingate family in England and in America, with genealogical tables

[New Hampshire provincial and state papers]

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