Anne Dowling in Genealogy Books

Anne Dowling appears in at least 21 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Anne Dowling

Visitation of England and Wales, Vol. 4

Index to the marriage licence bonds of the diocese of Cork and Ross, Ireland, for the years from 1628-1750, preserved in the Public record office of Ireland

Sands's Sydney and suburban directory

The National dean's list - 10th ed., v. 1 (1986/87)

Miscellanea I

A history of the progenitors and some South Carolina descendants of Colonel Ann Hawkes Hay, with collateral genealogies, A. D. 500-1908

The Register book of the parish of St. Christopher-le-Stocks, in the city of London

Hampshire allegations for marriage licences granted by the Bishop of Winchester, 1689 to 1837

"Index to the prerogative wills of Ireland, 1536-1810"

Miscellanea VIII


Index to the marriage licence bonds of the Diocese of Cork and Ross, Ireland, for the years from 1623-1750 : preserved in the Public Records Office of Ireland

The life of Dr. Issac Blowers Ward (1800-1843) and of his wife, Ann Vines (1803-1852) : together with some accounts of their near relatives, particular mention being made of the late Caleb Vines, esq., of London; some brief genealo- gical notes

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Part 78

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Part 120

The life of Dr. Issac Blowers Ward (1800-1843) and of his wife, Ann Vines (1803-1852) : together with some accounts of their near relatives, particular mention being made of the late Caleb Vines, esq., of London; some brief genealo- gical notes

The registers of St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden, London, Vol 36

Who's important in medicine

Hampshire allegations for marriage licenses granted by the Bishop of Winchester, 1689 to 1837, Vol. 35

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Part 14

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