Ann Dooley in Genealogy Books

Ann Dooley appears in at least 18 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Ann Dooley

The Dulin family America

Marriage records of Grant County, Indiana, 1831-1864

List of persons whose names have been changed in Massachusetts, 1780-1892

History and family record of the Dooley family 1755-1933

Index to Tennessee Confederate pension applications

Who's who in America - 40th ed v. 1 (1978-1979)

Maury County, Tennessee newspapers (abstracts) 1810-1844, 1846-1850, Vol. 1

Everton's genealogical helper - v. 30, no. 3 (May/June 1976)

Surname index to Roster of soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution buried in Indiana, vols. I & II Index

"Bertram Merrell's index of English marriage licenses Chester Diocese 1750-1837, Vol. 1 Part 2"

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Vol. 33

Century review, 1805-1905; Maury County, Tennessee : a condensation of the most important events of the past one hundred years, and descriptive sketches of the cities and villages Columbia and Mt. Pleasant in detail, directory of the cities and mail list for thirty-seven rural routes of Maury County

The register book of marriages belonging to the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, Vol. 22

History and family record of the Dooley family 1718-1914

Leavitts of America : genealogy compiled for Mrs. James Alanson Eldredge of Woods Cross, Utah

Annals of Platte County, Missouri : from its explorations down to June 1, 1897, with genealogies of its noted families, and sketches of its pioneers

The official history of Elbert County, 1790-1935

Commonwealth of Australia, electoral roll, Part 4

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