American Dexter in Genealogy Books

American Dexter appears in at least 81 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for American Dexter

Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 : a family register for the people, 1898, vol. 20

Sagamore - 1968

The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations

Reports of the trustees and treasurer of the College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts of the state of Maine

Sagamore - 1970


Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography, Revised edition, Vol. 6

Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850 : a family register for the people, 1898, v.19

The World-wide encyclopedia and gazetteer : compiled and revised to date from the leading encyclopedias of the world. A dictionary of arts, sciences and literature, to which is added biographies of living subjects, one hundred colored maps and; vol. 10

The Founding of New England

English genealogy

Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society

English genealogy

The National cyclopedia of American biography : being the history of the United States as illustrated in the lives of the founders, builders, and defenders of the republic, and of the men and women who are doing the work and moulding the thought of the present time, Vol. 19

Timothy and Rhoda Ogden Edwards of Stockbridge, Mass., and their descendants : a genealogy

Arena magazine - Volume 34

The Armistead family, 1635-1910

An historical introduction to the Marprelate tracts : a chapter in the evolution of religious and civil liberty in England

Directory of the public schools and public library, Kansas City, Missouri - 1957/58

Yesteryears (New York) - v. 19, no. 74 (Jan. 1975)

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