Allen Doolittle in Genealogy Books

Allen Doolittle appears in at least 47 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Allen Doolittle

Our Doolittle line revisited, Vol. 2

The Allen memorial : second series, descendants of Samuel Allen of Windsor, Conn., 1640-1907

Vital records of Foxborough, Massachusetts, to the year 1850

Collections relating to the history and inhabitants of the town of Townshend, Vermont

The gospel messenger

Our Doolittle line revisited, Vol. 3

Vital records of Foxborough, Massachusetts to the year 1850

History of New Haven County, Connecticut v.1

History of ancient Woodbury, Connecticut : from the first Indian deed in 1659 ... including the present towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury, and a part of Oxford and Middlebury

Memoranda relating to the ancestry and family of Sophia Fidelia Hall

Historic homes and institutions and genealogical and personal memoirs of Worcester County, Massachusetts : with a history of Worcester Society of Antiquity, vol. 2

Memoranda relating to the ancestry, and family of Sophia Fidelia Hall

The Allen memorial. Second series. Descendants of Samuel Allen of Windsr, Conn., 1604-1907

The New England historical and genealogical register

Biographical review: this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Hampden County, Massachusetts

The city of Kenosha and Kenosha County, Wisconsin : a record of settlement, organization, porgress, and achievement; v. 01

William Wells and his descendants, 1755-1909

The Doolittle family in America

The Jayhawker - 1931

American quarterly register

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