Allen Day in Genealogy Books

Allen Day appears in at least 420 genealogy books

Here are the top genealogy books for Allen Day

Historical gazetteer and biographical memorial of Cattaraugus County, N. Y.

Larkin Crutcher families

Succession records of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana, 1804-1854

Turnbow-Turnbough family of the U.S.A.

The History of Brown County, Ohio : containing a history of the County, its townships, towns, churches, schools, etc.; general and local statistic; portraits of early settlers and prominent men; history of the Northwest territory; history of Oh

Town of Weston : births, deaths and marriages, 1707-1850, 1703-gravestones-1900, church records, 1709-1825; appendix and addenda, Cent Society, gleanings from the town files, bits of genealogy, errors, indexes &c.

D. B. Cooke & Co's city directory for the year... : being a complete general and business directory ... a street and avenue directory, and an appendix ... - 1860-61

Historical gazetteer and biographical memorial of Cattaraugus County, N.Y

The register of the parish of Ravenstone, Co. Bucks, 1568-1812

Annual report

Chicago census report; and statistical review, embracing a complete directory of the city, showing the number of persons in each family, male and female, birth-place and ward now residing in, with a vast amount of valuable, statistical, historical and commercial information

The Pickering genealogy : being an account of the first three generations of the Pickering family of Salem, Mass., and of the descendants of John and Sarah (Burrill) Pickering, of the third generation

Early and modern history of Wolfe County

Thru the years : family records of Ila Venable Brown & other families of St. Helena Parish, Louisiana

Pennsylvania archives. Second series. V. 08

Town records of Manchester [Massachusetts], Vol. 1

Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of No. Berwick, Me. : together with the report of the school superintendent - 1932

History of the town and city of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Massachusetts

Annual report

First Presbyterian Church of Pittston, Pa., historical discourse : Delivered Sabbath, June 12, 1876. With supplement containing roll of officers and members for the year 1879, also those dismissed to the Presbyterian Church of West Pittston, together with names of deceased members, and those otherwise dropped from the roll

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