R Genealogy Books
R. B. Blake Collection Vol 7
R. C. Barrow, his life and work
R. Jaïr Chajjim Bacharach (1638-1702) und seine Ahnen
R. L. Polk & Co.'s Florida state gazetteer and business directory
R.L. Polk & Co.'s Allen County directory, 1906
R.L. Polk & Co.'s Oklahoma state gazetteer and business directory
R?ckblick f?r die Zukunft : Berichte ?ber B?cher, Buchh?ndler und Verleger zum 150. Geburtstage des Ensslin-Verlages
R?d Pomian?w-?ubie?skich;
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie B (cours et juridictions)
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie C : administrations provinciales avant 1790
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie E (f?odalit?, communes, bourgeoisie et familles);
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie H : clerg? r?gulier
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie L : administration de 1789 ? l'an VIII
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie Q : domaines nationaux
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie Q : domaines;
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie V : cultes;
R?pertoire num?rique de la s?rie X : ?tablissement de bienfaisance;
R?pertoire num?rique. S?ries A.-Acts du pouvoir souverain et domaine royal et B.-Cours et juridictions;
R?pertoire num?rique. S?ries C - administrations provinciales et D - instruction publique, sciences et arts;
RITBA 'al masekhet Ro'sh ha-Shanah
Raadmand i Fredericia, Justitsraad Bertel Bruun's (f. 1767, d. 1827) samlede descendens : udarbeidet som manuskript for familien;
Rabbinische Gutachten über die Verträglichkeit der freien Forschung mit dem ...
Race-Warren family history and genealogy
Racine (Wisconsin) city directories - 1923
Radial chart of descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons of Springfield, Mass., 1635 through Thomas Parsons of New London, Conn., born 1791
Radial chart of the descendants of Dea. William Holton of Hartford, Conn., 1636
Radices linguae Sanscritae ad decreta grammaticorum definivit atque copia exemplorum exquisitiorum illustravit
Radikaler Reform-katholizismus: Grundlagen einer Deutsch-katholischen Kirche
Radio Address of the Vice-Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov: June 22, 1941.
Raised by his own bootstraps : a biography of Leonard Sproul
Rall family in America
Ralls Co., Mo., St. Peter's Cemetery
Ralph Allen of Newport, Rhode Island and some of his descendants who settled in New-Jersey
Ralph Farnham of Andover, Mass. and his descendants
Ralph Smyth of Hingham and Eastham, Mass., and his descendants
Ralph Stauffer Coughenour : his forebears and his children
Ralph Stoddard of New London and Groton, Ct., and his descendants : a genealogy
Ralph Waldo Emerson, his maternal ancestors, with some reminiscences of him
Rambles among the Alps
Rambles and observations in New South Wales ..
Rambles in Catholic lands
Rambles in Mount Desert: with sketches of travel on the New England coast, from isles of Shoals to Grand Menan
Rambles in Yucatan; : or notes of travel through the peninsula including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-chen, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal
Rambles in the Pee Dee basin, South Carolina, vol. 1
Rammel, Johansson, Leskewich reunions, Supplement: Reunions update 2004
Ramseyer family
Rand--Hall, Strong and allied families, a genealogical study : with the autobiography of Nettie Hale Rand
Randall Lewis of Hopkinton, Rhode Island and Delaware County, New York and some of his descendants : a biographical and genealogical record
Randall and allied families : William Randall (1609-1693) of Scituate and his descendants, with ancestral families
Randolph County
Randolph County, Indiana 1st tract book, 1814-1820; the first six years copied from the original in the Auditors Office
Randolph County, North Carolina marriage bonds
Randolph County, economic and social : a laboratory study at the University of North Carolina, Department of Rural Social Economics
Randolph Family: Report of Isaac G. Bates
Randolph and Myrza Nix Alexander Alexander : early pioneers of Utah
Randolph family of Virginia,
Rannie slavianofily
Rapides Parish Louisiana, a history
Rapport de l'archiviste de la province de Qu?bec
Rapport du Conseil d'e?tat au Grand-conseil de la re?publique et canton de Neucha?tel sur l'insurrection royaliste du 3 septembre
Rapport sur les Archives du Canada
Raskob-Green record book
Raskob-Green record book
Rathbone genealogy : a complete history of the Rathbone family dating from 1574 to date; Vol. 01
Rathbone genealogy : a complete history of the Rathbone family dating from 1574 to date; Vol. 02
Rathbun--Rathbone--Rathburn family historian, Vol. 10
Rathbun--Rathbone--Rathburn family historian, Vol. 9
Rathbun--Rathbone--Rathburn family historian, vol. 5
Rathbun--Rathbone--Rathburn family historian, vol. 7
Rathbun--Rathbone--Rathburn family historian, vol. 8
Rational religion examined: or, Remarks on the pretensions of unitarianism
Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century
Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century
Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century
Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England in the seventeenth century [microform]
Raum und Zeit in Geographie und Geologie: Naturphilosophische Betrachtungen
Ravenel records : a history and genealogy of the Huguenot family of Ravenel, of South Carolina, with some incidental account of the parish of St. Johns Berkeley, which was their principal location
Ravenel records : a history and genealogy of the Huguenot family of Ravenel, of South Carolina, with some incidental account of the parish of St. Johns Berkeley, which was their principal location
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 16
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 17
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 18
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 19
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 20
Rawlins County Chronicle newsletter, Vol. 21
Rawson-Coffin family pictures, histories and records;
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 12
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 13
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 14
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 15
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 16
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 17
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 18
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 19
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 20
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 21
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 22
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 23
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 24
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 25
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 26
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 27
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 28
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 29
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 30
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 31
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 32
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 33
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 34
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 35
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 36
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 37
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 38
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 39
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 40
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 41
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 42
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 43
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 44
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 45
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 46
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 47
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 49
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 50
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 51
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 52
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 53
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 54
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 55
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 56
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 57
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 58
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 59
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 60
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 61
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 62
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 63
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 64
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 65
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), No. 66
Ray researchers : (and various spellings: Rae, Rea, Rhea, Wray, etc.), Vol. 1, No. 1
Ray's index and digest to Hathaway's North Carolina historical and genealogical register : with genealogical notes and annotations
Rayleigh Martyrs' Memorial : programme of the ceremony of unveiling : together with brief history of the martyrs;
Raymond : a history ... 1821-1876
Raymond Arthur White ancestry, Illinoisan, Virginian and European
Raymond family : descendants of George and Hannah (Read) Raymond of Reed Township, Seneca County, Ohio
Rayner family history
Re Coll In'
Re-union of the descendants of John Lee of Farmington : held at Farmington, Connecticut, on Wednesday and Thursday, August 12 and 13, 1896
Re-union of the family of Joseph Taylor at Middletown, New Jersey in 1861
Re-unions of the Davis, Noble, Kinder families
Re-unions of the Davis, Noble, Kinder families
Re-unions of the Davis, Noble, Kinder families
Reader family history : a newsletter of history and genealogy, Vol. 2
Reader family history : a newsletter of history and genealogy, Vol. 3
Readings in English history drawn from the original sources, intended to illustrate A short history of England
Readings in English history drawn from the original sources, intended to illustrate A short history of England
Readings in English history drawn from the original sources, intended to illustrate A short history of England
Readings in Indiana history
Real History and the Fake Survivor Deli Strummer
Real-Encyclopädie für Bibel und Talmud : Wörterbuch zum Handegebrauch für Bibelfreunde, Theologen, Juristen, Gemeinde- und Schulvorsteher, Lehrer etc.
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband. Unter ...
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband. Unter ...
Real-Encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. [With] Generalregisterband. Unter ...
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche: In Verbindung ...
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Real-encyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche. In verbindung mit vielen protestantischen theologen und gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. In Verbindung mit vielen protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. In Verbindung mit vielen protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. In Verbindung mit vielen protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. In Verbindung mit vielen protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. In Verbindung mit vielen protestantischen Theologen und Gelehrten
Realencyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche
Realencyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche (Volume 18)
Realencyklopädie für protestantische theologie und kirche (Volume 7)
Rebekah State Assembly of Missouri I.O.O.F : reports of President, Vice President, Warden, Secretary, Treasurer, session of 1932, Boonville, May 24 and 25
Rebels who surrendered in the city of Dublin from 29th June to 9th September 1798
Rebsamen-Turnipseed (family lineage)
Receipts and expenditures of the County of Cumberland, 1921
Receipts and expenditures of the town of Wakefield
Recent deaths, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, Vol. 5
Recent discoveries at Glastonbury Abbey : an account of the excavations undertaken by Mr. F. Bligh Bond, with his notes upon the discoveries : together with a short history of the Abbey
Receuil analytique des édits, placards, et ordonnances héraldiques des Pays-Bas Espagnols et Autrichiens
Receuil généalogique de la famille de Cock, comprenant sa parenté directe et collatérale et ses alliances
Rechenschaft von unserm Christentum: Ein Büchlein für Konfirmandenstunden ...
Recherches généalogiques concernant la famille de Maeght, de Maecht, de Maegh, anciennement de Maech de Gand (1300-1896)
Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois
Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois
Recherches philosophiques sur les preuves du christianisme
Recherches sur l'anatomie comparée et le développement des ixodidés
Recherches sur la famille L?vesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-S?vres) et ses alliances; chart 14
Recherches sur la famille L?vesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-S?vres) et ses alliances; chart 21
Recherches sur la famille L?vesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-S?vres) et ses alliances; chart 25
Recherches sur la famille L?vesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-S?vres) et ses alliances; chart 31A
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Deux-Sèvres) et ses alliances;
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 02
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 03
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 04
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 05
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 06
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 07
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 08
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 09
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 10
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 11
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 13
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 15
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 16
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 17
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 19
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 23
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 27
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 28
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 29
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 30
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 31
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; chart 32
Recherches sur la famille Lévesque de Saint-Maixent (Duex-Sèvres) et ses alliances; v. 01
Recht und Kirche : Ein Beitrag zu der Philosophie des Rechts
Rechtsgutachten Prof. Dr. Matthias Rossi - IFG und Wissenschaftliche Dienste Deutscher Bundestag
Rechtsphilosophische abhandlungen. I. Ueber die vermengungen des rechtlichen mit dem sittlichen
Recibimiento de hijodalgo y real provisi?n auxiliatoria de hidalgu?a a favor de Don Mat?as de la Pe?a Garc?a y Tejada, natural de Aldeanueva de la Rioja, 1805-1806
Recollection of my life; Vol. 1
Recollection of my life; Vol. 2
Recollections and sketches of notable lawyers and public men of early Iowa : belonging to the first and second generations, with anecdotes and incide nts illustrative of the times
Recollections from a busy Life : 1843 to 1911
Recollections of Adriel Ely and Evelina Foster his wife
Recollections of Adriel Ely and Evelina Foster his wife / [arranged by G.S.E. Knowlton and T.N. Ely]
Recollections of Herbert R Hearsey : an autobiographical account, Vol. 2
Recollections of Herbert R Hearsey : an autobiographical account, Vol. 3
Recollections of Herbert R Hearsey : an autobiographical account, Vol. 4
Recollections of Herbert R Hearsey : an autobiographical account, Vol. 5
Recollections of Herbert R Hearsey : an autobiographical account, Vol. 5
Recollections of Lydia S. Mitchell Hinchman
Recollections of Lydia S. Mitchell Hinchman
Recollections of Mississippi and Mississippians
Recollections of Reginald Radcliffe
Recollections of Rev. E. D. Griffin, or, Incidents illustrating his character
Recollections of a New England girl, 1868-1902 : the autobiography of Amy Blanchard Polkinghorn
Recollections of a New England town
Recollections of a busy life : embracing a description of New England, its hills, rivers, valleys, climate and soil. Its people, customs, superstitions, schools, religion and intelligence of childhood, boyhood; the struggles of youth. Western l
Recollections of a life time
Recollections of a pioneer
Recollections of a pioneer's granddaughter
Recollections of a quiet life : the life of William Joseph Sadler, as portrayed by himself and by others who knew him
Recollections of an old soldier : the life of a soldier of the French and Revolutionary wars, containing many extraordinary occurrences relating to his own private history, and an account of some interesting events in the history of the times in which he lived, nowhere else recorded
Recollections of my life and times;
Recollections of my mother
Recollections of olden times : Rowland Robinson of Narragansett and his unfortunate daughter with genealogies of the Robinson, Hazard, and Sweet families of Rhode Island
Recollections of olden times: Rowland Robinson of Narangansett and his unfortunate daughter : with genealogies of the Robinson Hazard, and Sweet families of Rhode Island
Recollections of settling Cache Valley
Recollections of the Rev. John Johnson and his home : an autobiography
Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash Valley
Recollections of the life of John Binns : twenty-nine years in Europe and fifty-three in the United States
Recollections of the pioneers of Lee County
Recollections of the pioneers of Lee County [Illinois]
Recollections of the private life of Napoleon; v. 02
Recollections of the table-talk of Samuel Rogers : to which is added Porsoniana
Recollections of the war of 1812
Recollections of war times by an old veteran while under Stonewall Jackson and Lieutenant General James Longstreet : how I got in and how I got out
Recollections with reflections : a memoir of a Scottish soldier family in Ireland from the seventeenth century
Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865-1877
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents relating to Lancashire and Cheshire : [publications]
Record and minute book of the John family, organized July 1900
Record and sketches of the Humphry family of Arkansas
Record book
Record book
Record book
Record book
Record book
Record book
Record book
Record book : Society of Mayflower descendants in the state of New York - (Sept. 1922)
Record of Bel, Bilbo, Catholic, Common Street, Corporation, Hospital, Moss and Sallier Louisiana
Record of Griswolds
Record of Hannah Adeline Savage : Woodruff, Arizona, and journal
Record of Hunter of Hunterston, Ayrshire, Scotland ... Record of Hunter of Abbotshill and Park, County Ayr, Scotland ... Record of Hunter of Ayrhill, Fairfax County, Virginia
Record of Indiana volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898-1899
Record of Indiana volunteers in the Spanish-American war 1898-1899 : issued by authority of the sixty-first General assembly of Indiana
Record of Margaret Cordelia Kirkland Ward family
Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898
Record of Pennsylvania volunteers in the Spanish-American War, 1898
Record of St. Joseph County, Michigan, soldiers and sailors in service in the Great War; v. A-J
Record of Sultan Cemetery, Sultan, Washington
Record of Vrooman family, 1787-1943
Record of a branch of the Hallowell family, including the Longstreth, Penrose, and Norwood branches
Record of a century : Franklin Street Church, Manchester, N.H. 1844-1944
Record of abstracts of wills in Warren County, Kentucky
Record of abstracts, pension papers, pertaining to soldiers of the Revolutionary war, War of 1812, and Indian wars, who settled in Kentucky
Record of ancestors and descendants of John King, Valentine King, Isaac King, 1776-1940
Record of ancestors, 1896-1970
Record of births & deaths town of Deer Isle
Record of births and deaths amongst friends in Campbell and Bedford counties, taken from the Old Southriver Meeting Book
Record of births in Johnson County, Kentucky for the period 1852-1862 inclusive
Record of births in Lawrence County, Kentucky 1852-1862
Record of deaths in the town of Ludlow, Vermont : from 1790 to 1901 inclusive
Record of deaths, [marriages, and births] in Clinton County, Kentucky for the period of years 1852 to 1862 inclusive
Record of descendants of James Selden and Adah Maria McClay Belden : first daughter of William and Sarah Angeline Brown McClay
Record of funeral books, 1976-1994
Record of intentions of marriage of the city of Lynn : from the Historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. XVI, p. 71
Record of interments in the old or Western burying ground in Lynn, Mass.; copied from the original record by J. Y. Moulton, Lynn, 1855.
Record of marriage bonds in Anderson County, Kentucky for the period of years 1827 to 1851 inclusive
Record of marriages in Fayette County, Kentucky for the period of years 1803 to 1851 inclusive
Record of marriages in Fleming County, Kentucky : for the period of years 1798 to 1851 inclusive
Record of marriages in Lewis County, Kentucky for the period of years 1806 to 1851 inclusive
Record of marriages in Monroe County, Kentucky, for the period of years 1838 to 1850
Record of marriages of Bracken County, Kentucky, 1796 to 1851 : County seat is Brooksville, Kentucky
Record of marriages, Morgan County, Mo., 1860-1893
Record of married women's separate property in Baker County, 1862-1872
Record of proceedings at the 1st-11th annual reunion ... 1872-82
Record of proceedings at the first gathering of descendants of John Shillaber : at the old homestead, Peabody, Massachusetts, October 4, 1877
Record of remarkable events in Marlborough and vicinity. : Nos. 1, 2.
Record of service in the World War of V.M.I. Alumni and their alma mater
Record of service of Connecticut men in the Army and Navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion
Record of service of Michigan volunteers in the Civil War, 1861-1865; record of the Nineteenth Michigan Infantry in the Civil War, 1861-1865
Record of teachers' examinations, Blackford County, Indiana
Record of the Allen Family
Record of the Benjamin Gilbert branch of the Gilbert family in America (1620-1920) : also the genealogy of the Falconer family, of Nairnshire, Scot. 1720-1920, to which belonged Benjamin Gilbert's wife, Mary Falconer
Record of the Bentley family from Thomas Bentley, Sr. : of Caanan, Columbia County, N.Y. to the last one heard from
Record of the Brown family who came to Union County, Pennsylvania in the year 1804
Record of the Caverno family
Record of the Coe family, 1596-1856
Record of the Dailey family
Record of the Ebie family
Record of the Ebie family
Record of the Federal dead buried from Libby, Belle Isle, Danville & Camp Lawton Prisons, and at City Point, and in the field before Petersburg and Richmond. Pub
Record of the Harris family descended from John Harris, born 1680 in Wiltshire, England
Record of the Harris family descended from John Harris, born in 1680 in Wiltshire, England
Record of the Hersey family
Record of the Hersey family
Record of the Higgins family
Record of the Hoyt family meeting : held at Stamford, Connecticut, June 20 and 21, 1866
Record of the Joseph Gaston family
Record of the Lindsey and allied families of southern Georgia
Record of the Man, Needles (Nedels) and Hambleton families...1495-1876
Record of the Marcy family
Record of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Half Way Brook Village, Sullivan County, N.Y., now known as Pond Eddy, N.Y
Record of the Mohn family from 1730
Record of the Parmelee families : from June 1st A.D. 1639
Record of the Phillips family, 1739-1907
Record of the Pynchon family in England and America
Record of the Rust Family : Embracing the descendants of Henry Rust, who came from England and settled in Hingham Mass, 1634-1635
Record of the Smith family : descended from John Smith born 1655 in County Monaghan, Ireland
Record of the ancestors and descendants of Jacob Sherk Brubaker and his brother, Daniel Sherk Brubaker
Record of the ancestors and descendants of Nathan Burch, 1781-1858
Record of the ancestors of James William Gerow, of Virginia, originally spelled Giraud, dating from 1699
Record of the annual Hench and Dromgold reunion held in Perry County, Pa., from 1897 to 1912. These records contain the genealogies of Nicholas Ickes, Johannes Hench, Zachariah Rice, John Hartman, Thomas Dromgold and kindred families who were a
Record of the class of ninety nine, Princeton University : an autobiography for the "Tenth year out", December, 1909, number five
Record of the descendants of Andrew Belcher
Record of the descendants of Charles Bowler, England--1740--America : who settled in Newport, Rhode Island
Record of the descendants of Daniel Conkling, 1751-1874. From East Hampton, Long Island, church record.
Record of the descendants of Ezekial and Mary Baker DeCamp of Butler County, Ohio
Record of the descendants of Ezekiel and Mary Baker De Camp, of Butler County, Ohio
Record of the descendants of Francis Whitmore of Cambridge, Mass.
Record of the descendants of George Hubbard, one of the founders of Wethersfield, Milford, and Guilford, Connecticut
Record of the descendants of James Ensign and his wife Sarah Elson, 1634-1939, Vol. 2
Record of the descendants of James and Miriam Wolcott
Record of the descendants of John Bishop : one of the founders of Guilford, Conne;cticut in 1639
Record of the descendants of Nehemiah Westbrook
Record of the descendants of Silence Holbrook of Weymouth, Mass.
Record of the descendants of William Coolbaugh : from 1765 to 1918.
Record of the descendants of William Sumner, of Dorchester, Mass., 1636
Record of the families in New England, of the name of Hodges
Record of the family Powelson
Record of the family Powelson
Record of the family and descendants of Nicholas Albert, 1800-1869
Record of the family and descendants of Tobias Long
Record of the family of Brythal Thigpen and his wife, Antoinette Fannin Hitchcock Thigpen
Record of the family of Levi Kimball and some of his descendants
Record of the family of Thomas Ewing, who emigrated from Ireland to America in 1718
Record of the family of William Gay Ballantine
Record of the family of the late Rev. David C. Field, D. D., of Stockbridge, Mass
Record of the house of Kirkcudbright
Record of the parish list of deaths, 1785-1819
Record of the posterity of Hiram Dayton and Permelia Bundy Dayton
Record of the posterity of Joseph Smith Black and Nancy Cynthia Allred Black
Record of the posterity of Samuel Harrison Smith and Caroline Mooney Smith and Mary Ellen Batman Smith
Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831- 32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-8 : containing a complete roster of commissioned officers and enlisted men of both wars, taken from the official rolls on file in the War
Record of township graduates, DeKalb County, Indiana, 1885-1915
Record of wills in Laurel County, Kentucky, for the period of years 1824 to 1851
Record of wills in Trigg County, Kentucky for the period of years, 1800 to 1843
Record repositories in Great Britain
Record repositories in Great Britain
Record series
Record series
Record series
Record series
Record series
Record series
Records & historical sketches of residents of Davis County, Utah, Part 1, A-B
Records & historical sketches of residents of Davis County, Utah, Part 2, C-D
Records & historical sketches of residents of Davis County, Utah, Part 3, E-G
Records and letters pertaining to the Pryor family and allied families
Records and memorials of the Speed family
Records and papers of the New London County Historical Society
Records and pedigree of the family of Maryon of Essex and Herts
Records and recollections of Thibodaux, Louisiana
Records and record searching : a guide to the genealogist and topographer
Records and record searching : a guide to the genealogist and topographer
Records and reminiscences of Goodwood and the Dukes of Richmond
Records by Rev. John Smith, D.D., of Hanover, N.H.
Records from Daily News Record, Harrisonburg, Virginia; Pendleton Times of Franklin, West Virginia; and Grant County Press of Petersburg, West Virginia : clippings of obituaries, marriages and miscellaneous items, Class Reunion
Records from ninety-four milestones
Records from the life of S. V. S. Wilder
Records historical and antiquarian of the parish of Upton Bishop, Herfordshire
Records in the British Public Record Office relating to South Carolina, 1663-1710, Vol. 5
Records of Anglo-Irish families of Ball
Records of Anglo-Irish families of Ball
Records of Argyll : legends, traditions, and recollections of Argyllshire Highlanders, collected chiefly from the Gaelic, with notes on the antiquity of the dress, clan colours, or tartans, of the Highlanders
Records of Bernice Allen
Records of Brown Township, Washington County, Indiana ..
Records of California men in the war of the rebellion, 1861 to 1867
Records of Chippenham relating to the borough, from its incorporation by Queen Mary, 1554, to its reconstruction by act of Parliament, 1889 : comprising extracts from the minute books and registers of accounts of the corporation, together with copies and references from the charter, deeds, and documents in the borough chest
Records of Christopher J. Arthur, 1860 to 1900
Records of Christopher J. Arthur, 1860 to 1900, Vol. 5
Records of Craven County, North Carolina, vol. 1
Records of Domine Henricus Selyns of New York, 1686-7 : with notes and remarks by Garrett Abeel written a century later, 1796
Records of Donegal Presbytery
Records of Fairview & Boaz Chapel Cemeteries, Fulton County, Kentucky
Records of First Church, at Salisbury, Mass., 1687-1754 : communicated by William P. Upham
Records of Gloucester Cathedral. - v. 3, part 1 (1885-1897)
Records of Grove Hill Community Baptist Church, Methodist Church & Cemetery, 1855-1972
Records of Inglewood Park Cemetery, Inglewood, California
Records of Lincoln School, Washington township, Allen county, Indiana, 1923-1935.
Records of Littleton, Massachusetts : births and deaths from the earliest records in the town books begun in 1715
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands ..
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands. V. 3 Bk. 1
Records of Louisiana Confederate soldiers and Louisiana Confederate commands. V. 3 Bk. 2
Records of Marion County, Mississippi
Records of Marion County, Mississippi : abstracts of deeds... containing deeds, marks and brands, bonds, mortgages, and deeds of gift
Records of Masonic Cemetery nr [sic] Old Doniphan Station, Doniphan Co., Kansas
Records of Monroeville Methodist Church, Monroeville, Indiana 1884- 1942
Records of Pickens County, Alabama
Records of Pickens County, Alabama
Records of Rhea : a condensed county history
Records of Roane County, Tennessee
Records of Southhampton; a brief account of some of the borough documents
Records of St. Giles' Cripplegate
Records of St. James Church, Great Barrington, Massachusetts 1770-1793 : records of the Rev. Gideon Bostwick
Records of St. James' Church, Skaneateles, N.Y.
Records of St. Patrick Cemetery, Lagro, Ind., (Aug. 1, 1846-Apr. 15, 1883), 1884-1971
Records of St. Peters Episcopal Church, formerly St. George's, Milford, Connecticut, 1832-1868 : baptisms, confirmations, communicants, marriages, burials
Records of St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana : index to the marriages, 1812-1900, v. 1
Records of Steinberger family
Records of Yakima County, Washington, 1869-1907, and Benton County, Washington, 1905-1907; v. 02
Records of York Castle : fortress, court house, and prison
Records of a California family : journals and letters of Lewis C. Gunn and Elizabeth Le Breton Gunn
Records of a Quaker family, the Richardsons of Cleveland : with portraits of Isabel Casson, Jonathan Priestman, and John Richardson Procter, also nine genealogical tables, and an index to the marriages
Records of a Quaker family: the Richardsons of Cleveland
Records of an old Cheshire family : a history of the Lords of the manors of Delves near Uttoxeter in the county of Stafford & Doddington in the county of Chester
Records of colonial Gloucester County, Virginia : a collection of abstracts from original documents concerning the lands and people of colonial Gloucester County
Records of emigrants from England and Scotland to North Carolina, 1774-1775, No. 30
Records of families of the name Rawlins or Rollins in the United States : in two parts
Records of four Methodist churches in northern New Jersey
Records of marriages of Amity Presbyterian Church, Amity, Orange County, N.Y., performed by Rev. Timlow
Records of marriages, infant baptisms and deaths from 1896-1920 : copied from the oldest books of records of the Miami Methodist Episcopal Church South (Trinity M. E. Church), Miami, Florida
Records of medi?val Oxford. Coroners' inquests, the walls of Oxford, etc.
Records of mediaeval Oxford. Coroners' inquests, the walls of Oxford, etc. Edited by H.E. Salter
Records of members of the Grand Army of the Republic : with a complete account of the twentieth national encampment : being a careful compilation of biographical sketches, well arranged and indexed : to which are added the notable speeches of the twentieth national encampment : together with a full account of the proceedings : and a chronological summary of the important events of the Civil War : a history of the growth, usefulness and important events of the Grand Army of the Republic fromits origin to the present time
Records of members of the Grand Army of the Republic, with a complete account of the twentieth national encampment : being a careful compilation of biographical sketches, well arranged and indexed, to which are added the notable speeches of the
Records of officers and men of New Jersey in wars 1791-1815
Records of officers and men of New Jersey in wars 1791-1815
Records of old Aberdeen
Records of old Aberdeen
Records of some of the descendants of George and Maturin Ricker, who were early at Dover, New Hampshire and who were killed by the Indians, June 4, 1706
Records of some of the descendants of John Fuller, Newton [Massachusetts], 1644-98
Records of some of the descendants of John Fuller, Newton, 1644-98 : compiled from Jackson's history of Newton, and other sources
Records of some of the descendants of Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1623-1697
Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia
Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia - v. 3 (1888-1891)
Records of the Anglo-Norman house of Glanville, from A.D. 1050 to 1880
Records of the Antrim family of America
Records of the Archdeaconry of Buckingham
Records of the Bailey family : decendants of William Bailey of Newport, R.I., chiefly in the line of his son, Hugh Bailey of East Greenwich, R.I.
Records of the Bailey family : descendants of William Bailey of Newport, R. I., chiefly in the line of his son, Hugh Bailey of East Greenwich, R. I.
Records of the Barnsback family
Records of the Baron court of Stitchell, 1655-1807
Records of the Baron court of Stitchell, 1655-1807;
Records of the Bowles family : being the history of a line deriving from Charles Bowles of Chatham during three centuries : with annotated pedigrees of the parent house of Swineshead and Haugh, and of the cadet families settled in Lincolnshire
Records of the Brewster Congregational Church, Brewster, Massachusetts, 1700-1792
Records of the Brown family
Records of the Brown family
Records of the Chicheley Plowdens A. D. 1590-1913; with four alphabetical indices, four pedigree sheets, and a portrait of Edmund, the great Elizabethan lawyer
Records of the Chicheley Plowdens, A.D. 1590-1913 : with four alphabetical indices, four pedigree sheets, and a portrait of Edmund, the great Elizabethan lawyer
Records of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in New England, 1632-1830 : comprising the ministerial records of baptisms, marriages, deaths, admission to covenant and communion, dismissals and church proceedings
Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New England. Printed by order of the General Assembly
Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C. - v. 23 (1920)
Records of the Committees for Compounding, Etc. with Delinquent Royalists in Durham and Northumberland
Records of the Congregational Church in Canterbury, Connecticut, 1711- 1844
Records of the Connecticut line of the Hayden family
Records of the Corrie family, A.D. 802-1899
Records of the Cust family ... 1479-[1779 Series 1-3]
Records of the Cust family of Pinchbeck, Stamford and Belton in Lincolnshire
Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Columbia, Herkimer County, New York, 1806-1836, and Columbia Dutch Reformed Church cemetery, etc.
Records of the English Catholics of 1715 : compiled wholly from original documents
Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, Vol. 2
Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, Vol. 4
Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus, Vol. 4
Records of the First Baptist Church in Cheshire (formerly New Providence)
Records of the First Church at Salisbury, Mass., 1752-1805
Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts, 1667-1772
Records of the First Congregational Church [1785-1892
Records of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Aurora, Illinois, vol. 2
Records of the First church in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1632-1789.
Records of the Franklin family and collaterals
Records of the Franklin family and collaterals
Records of the Gates families of America from the colonial period to 1860, Supplement (Third Edition)
Records of the Gates families of America from the colonial period to 1860, Vol. 1
Records of the General Synod of Ulster, from 1691 to 1820 ..
Records of the Gibbins family : also a few reminiscences of Emma J. Gibbins and letters and papers relating to the Bevington family
Records of the Gibbins family; also a few reminiscences of Emma J. Gibbins, and letters and papers related to the Bevington family
Records of the Griswold, Crane, Paddock, Howes, Smith and Russel families
Records of the Griswold, Crane, Paddock, Howes, Smith and Russel families
Records of the Halls of Wallingford and the Buckinghams of Milford
Records of the Hearth tax for Reading and Caversham, A. D. 1662-3
Records of the Host Reformed Church, Tulpehocken Twp., Berks County, Pennsylvania : baptisms 1748-1895; marriages 1752-1760 and 1855
Records of the Kingwood Monthly Meeting of Friends, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
Records of the Lumleys : and sketches of the Willey, Williams and Waters families
Records of the Lumleys of Lumley castle
Records of the Lumleys of Lumley castle
Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia : called out by the governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the War of 1812-14
Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14
Records of the Maw and Burt families of England from the year 1566 to the year 1905
Records of the Merrihew family, 1727-1901
Records of the Miller family : descendants of Jacob Miller of Lyme, Conn., 1700-1953
Records of the Missouri society : service records of soldiers in the War of 1812 and their descendants in the Missouri membership
Records of the Myers, Hays, and Mordecai families from 1707 to 1913
Records of the Park Presbyterian Church of Newark, Wayne County, New York, 1825-1864
Records of the Pike Family Association of America
Records of the Pike Family Association of America
Records of the Pike Family Association of America
Records of the Pike Family Association of America
Records of the Pike Family Association of America
Records of the Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N. Y.
Records of the Plowden family
Records of the Rawle family
Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York : baptisms from 1 January, 1731, to 29 December, 1800
Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York : baptisms from 25 December, 1639, to 27 December, 1730 V.1
Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, 1686-1802 PT1
Records of the Reformed Dutch Churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, 1686-1802 PT2
Records of the Reformed Dutch church of New Paltz, N.Y., containing an account of the organization of the church and the registers of consistories, members, marriages, and baptisms
Records of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States : as a source for authentic genealogical and historical material
Records of the Rudd family
Records of the Samuel family
Records of the Samuel family
Records of the Samuel family : collected from essays, mss. and other sources
Records of the Schwartzwald Church, Exeter Township Berks County, Pennsylvania 1781-1810
Records of the Sherman family : as relating to the ancestors and descendants of Benj. Sherman from Henry Sherman, County of Suffolk, England down to the thirteenth generation
Records of the Smythies family
Records of the Suffolk county court, 1671-1680; vol. 1
Records of the Suffolk county court, 1671-1680; vol. 2
Records of the Williams Township Congregation
Records of the borough of Chesterfield: being a series of extracts from the archives of the corporation of Chesterfield, and of other repositories;
Records of the borough of Chesterfield: being a series of extracts from the archives of the corporation of Chesterfield, and of other repositories;
Records of the city of Baltimore (Special commissioners) 1782-1797
Records of the clan and name of Fergusson, Ferguson and Fergus
Records of the colony of New Plymouth, in New England
Records of the colony of New Plymouth, in New England
Records of the colony of New Plymouth, in New England : printed by order of the legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Records of the colony of New Plymouth, in New England, Vol. 11
Records of the colony of New Plymouth, in New England, Vol. 4
Records of the colony or jurisdiction of New Haven, from May 1653, to the Union : together with the New Haven code of 1656
Records of the court of assistants of the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1630-1692
Records of the courts of Chester County, Pennsylvania; v. 2
Records of the descendants of Hugh Clark of Watertown, Mass.
Records of the descendants of Rev. Nathaniel Chase of Buckfield, Maine with a brief account of his ancestors : also records of some of the descendants of Edmund Chase of Minot, Maine
Records of the descendants of Reverend Nathaniel Chase of Buckfield, Maine, with a brief account of his ancestors : also records of some of the descendants of Edmund Chase of Minot, Maine
Records of the families of California pioneers : gathered by various chapters from original sources in the years 1925- 1926 ; volume II
Records of the families of California pioneers : gathered by various chapters from original sources in the years 1925-1926; v. 2
Records of the family of Burdon, of Castle Eden, county of Durham : with a pedigree
Records of the family of Heape of Heape, Staley, Saddleworth, and Rochdale, from circa 1170 to 1905
Records of the family of Pennyman of Ormesby
Records of the family of Surtees : its descents and alliances
Records of the family of Urswyk, Urswick, or Urwick
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 1
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 2
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 3
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 3
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 4 Part 1
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 4 Part 2
Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature, Vol. 4 Part 5
Records of the olden time, or, Fifty years on the prairies : embracing sketches of the discovery, exploration and settlement of the country, the organization of the counties of Putnam and Marshall, incidents and reminiscences connected therewit
Records of the olden time, or, Fifty years on the prairies : embracing sketches of the discovery, exploration and settlement of the country, the organization of the counties of Putnam and Marshall, incidents and reminiscences connected therewith, biographies of citizens, portraits and illustrations
Records of the parish of Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland, Vol. 1
Records of the parish of Batley, in the county of York, historical, topographical, ecclesiastical, testamentary, and genealogical
Records of the parish of Ellon
Records of the parish of Whitkirk
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the past; being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments
Records of the presbyteries of Inverness and Dingwall, 1643-1688
Records of the proceedings of the John Stauffer Memorial Association, Ringtown, Pennsylvania
Records of the proprietors of Narraganset Township, no. 1, now the town of Buxton, York County, Maine : from August 1st, 1733, to January 4th, 1811;
Records of the reformation; the divorce 1527-1533. Mostly now for the first time printed from mss. in the British Museum, the Public Record Office, the Venetian Archives and other libraries
Records of the town of Braintree : 1640 to 1793
Records of the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, N.Y., 1655-1885 : copied from the original records, in their order, under the direction of the supervisor and justices of the peace, and pub. by the authority of the town, Vol. 1
Records of the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, N.Y., 1655-1885 : copied from the original records, in their order, under the direction of the supervisor and justices of the peace, and pub. by the authority of the town, vol. 2
Records of the town of Jamaica, Long Island, New York, 1656-1751; Vol. 01
Records of the town of New Rochelle, 1699-1828
Records of the town of Newark, New Jersey from its settlement in 1666, to its incorporation as a city in 1836, Vol. 6
Records of the town of Newark, New Jersey, from its settlement in 1666, to its incorporation as a city in 1836
Records of the town of Plymouth
Records of the town of Smithtown, Long Island, N.Y. : with other ancient documents of historic value
Records of the towns of North and South Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y., 1654-1880; Vol. 02
Records of ye Chh [i.e. church] in ye east precinct in Springfield
Records of ye towne meetings of Lyn [sic], part 1
Records on Van Cleave family. [1952]
Records relating to the early history of Boston...1876-1909, Vol. 24
Records relating to the early history of Boston...1876-1909; Vol. 22
Records, 1757-1906, Vol. 5
Recovery of some materials for the early history of Dorchester : general and particular : prepared for the New England historic-genealogical register
Rector academiae Lipsiensis memoriam instaurationis sacrorum oratione anniversaria die XXXI. Octobris. a. r. s. MDCCLXXXI [microform]... : Vindicatur auctoritas August. Conf. in Libro Concordiae
Recueil choisi de traits historiques et de contes moraux : avec la signification des nots en anglois au bas de chaque page
Recueil de la noblesse de Bourgogne, Limbourg, Luxembourg, Gueldres, Flandres, Artois, Haynau, Hollande, Zeelande, Namur, Malines, et autres provinces de Sa Majesté Catholique : representant les noms & surnoms des titrées [sic] ... accordez par les empereurs, rois, ducs, et princes souverains des Pays-Bas ..
Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama
Red River Settlement : papers in the Canadian Archives relating to the pioneers
Red rubber : the story of the rubber slave trade which flourished on the Congo for twenty years, 1890-1910
Red shield in action : a record of Canadian Salvation Army war services in the second great war
Redd family reunion, 1956
Rede zum Andenken an Abraham Lincoln, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika, ermordet am Charfreitage, April 14, 1865, A.D. : gehalten am 19. April 1865, dem Tage des Leichenzuges, 12 Uhr mittags, in der Kirche zum Heiligen Geiste in St. Louis
Rede zum Geburts-Feste des höchstseligen Grossherzogs Karl Friedrich von Baden und zur akademischen Preisvertheilung am 22. November, 1849, Ueber den Prozess von Kurmainz gegen Götz von Berlichingen wegen Beschädigungen im Bauernkriege
Rede zur hundertjährigen Feier der Geburt Schiller's am zehnten November 1859, in der St. Peters-Kirche zu Zürich gehalten
Rededication program, March 18-22, 1962, Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church, Mount Holly Springs, Pennsylvania
Redemptioners and indentured servants in the colony and commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Redemptioners and indentured servants in the colony and commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Reden und Aufsätze
Reden und Aufsätze
Redfield Family
Redland Park Congregational Church, Bristol : a chapter in Congregational history
Redmon on the edge of the prairie
Redskin - 1949
Redskin - 1961
Redwood researcher - v. 1, no. 2 (Nov. 1968)
Redwood researcher - v. 1, no. 3 (Feb. 1969)
Redwood researcher - v. 1, no. 4 (May 1969)
Redwood researcher - v. 3, no. 1 (Aug. 1970)
Redwood researcher - v. 3, no. 2 (Nov. 1970)
Redwood researcher - v. 3, no. 3 (Feb. 1971)
Redwood researcher - v. 4, no. 1 (Aug. 1971)
Redwood researcher - v. 45, no. 1 (Aug. 2012)
Redwood researcher - v. 5, no. 2 (Nov. 1972)
Redwood researcher - v. 5, no. 3 (Feb. 1973)
Redwood researcher - v. 5, no. 4 (May 1973)
Reed family history
Reed family records
Reed genealogy : descendants of William Reade, of Weymouth, Mass., from 1635-1902
Reed-Read lineage : Captain John Reed of Providence, Rhode Island and Norwalk, Connecticut, and his descendants through his sons, John and Thomas, 1660-1909
Rees history
Reflections from Eddington
Reflections on the Oregon Trail; Vol. 1
Reflections on the life of Robert Alma Clarke
Reformations-geschichte des ehemaligen Bisthums Bamberg
Reformers before the Reformation : principally in Germany and the Netherlands
Reformversuche in der katholischen dogmatik Deutschlands zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts : Aus: "Versuche und Richtungen in der katholischen dogmatik Deutschlands zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts (1800-1819)"
Regal armorie of Great Britain ..
Regementsskrivare Gustaf Enells förfäder och ättlingar : släkten Enell;
Regesten der Bischöfe von Strassburg
Regesten der Grafen von Orlamuende aus Babenberger und Ascanischem Stamm : mit Stammtafeln, Siegelbildern, Monumenten und Wappen;
Regesten der Grafen von Orlamuende aus Babenberger und ascanischem Stamm mit ...
Regesten der Pfalzgrafen am Rhein, 1214-1508
Regesten der markgrafen von Baden und Hachberg, 1050-1515
Regesten des Geschlechts von Plassenberg und dessen Nachkommen. VI
Regesten des aus dem alten deutschen Herrenstande hervorgangenen Geschlechts Salza : zugleich mit einer kritischen Zusammenstellung aller die Fürsten, Herren (Voigte), Grafen und Freiherren von Salza in Deutschland, Schweden und Rußland betreff;
Regesten des fränkischen Geschlechts von Schaumberg, II. Teil, 1300- 1400 (mit 2 Siegeltafeln, einer Stammtafel und einer Besitzkarte)
Regesten und Urkunden des Geschlechtes von Blankenburg-Campe; Vol. 02
Regimental association 28th annual reunion at Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 23-28, 1897 with roster
Regimental history, Three hundred and forty-first field artillery, Eighty-ninth division of the national army
Regimental losses in the American Civil War 1861-1865 : a treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bure
Regimental records of the Bedfordshire militia from 1759 to 1884
Reginaldi Monachi Dunelmensis Libellus de Admirandis
Register Book of Saint Mildred Bread Street Parish, 1658-1812
Register Cliff or Sandpoint : giving some early trail history of this stopping place on the old Oregon Trail and also a complete list of the pioneer names found registered on the Cliff as they appear at this date
Register and manual - 1901
Register and manual; 1961
Register book of Cound
Register booke of christ'nings, weddings and burials, 1607-1683
Register der Ansiedler bei Berne, Indiana
Register of Baptisms, chapels at Bairnie and Tillydesk, 1763-1801, and index
Register of Chicago vital records : births, marriages and deaths
Register of Confederate soldiers who died in Camp Douglas, 1862-65 : and lie buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago, Ills., 1892
Register of Danish estate probates in Brudager, Svendborg, Denmark
Register of Danish estate probates, Aalborg county
Register of Danish estate probates, Aarhus county
Register of Danish estate probates, Frederiksborg county
Register of Danish estate probates, Hjørring county
Register of Danish estate probates, Mern, Denmark
Register of Danish estate probates, Odense county
Register of Danish estate probates, Præstø county
Register of Danish estate probates, Ribe County, Denmark
Register of Danish estate probates, Ringkøbing county
Register of Danish estate probates, Vejle county
Register of David Shields Wilson's family
Register of English monumental inscriptions
Register of Great Britain census, 1841
Register of Great Britain principal probate registry, calendar of wills and administrations, 1858-1957
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Kentucky State Historical Society
Register of Montgomery family researchers
Register of Mount Olive Church in White Co. Ind., organized March 15th 1878
Register of New York City death records
Register of New York City passenger lists, 1820-1957
Register of Old Concord Presbyterian Church, Appomattox County, Virginia, 1826-1878 : baptism 1826-1876, membership 1826-1878, obituary 1829- 1854
Register of Saint Mary's Lutheran Church, Silver Run, Maryland; 1784-1863
Register of Scotland sasines, 1599-1868
Register of St. Michael Catholic Church, Daviess County, Indiana
Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, South Carolina, 1720-1758
Register of St. Philip's Parish, Charles Town, or Charleston, S. C., 1754-1810
Register of The Marshams of Kent, down to the end of the year 1902
Register of United States Passports 1795-1925
Register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States ... : with the names, force, and condition of all ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built; together with a c
Register of all officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States ... : with the names, force, and condition of all ships and vessels belonging to the United States, and when and where built; together with a c
Register of baptisms in Catholic congregations of Braemar and Glengairn, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1781-1845
Register of baptisms, 1778-1855
Register of baptisms, Roman Catholic Congregation, St. Andrew's parish, Braemar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1703-1757, Vol. 1
Register of baptisms, proclamations, marriages and morthcloth dues : contained in Kirk-Session records of the Parish of Torphichen, 1673-1714
Register of births and marriages for the Episcopal congregation at St. Andrews, 1722-1787
Register of burials and genealogical data from tombstone inscriptions, public cemetery, Riddells Creek, Bourke County, Victoria
Register of burials at the Temple Church, 1628-1853
Register of deaths from the beginning until 1950, Appleton, Maine
Register of electors : electors list, jury list, Shrewsbury parliamentary division of the county of Salop
Register of families of Switzerland
Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass
Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass.
Register of former students
Register of graduates and former cadets of the United States Military Academy
Register of graduates, 1830-1910, Indiana University
Register of interments in the Greyfriars burying ground, Edinburgh, 1658-1700; Vol. 26
Register of interments in the Greyfriars buryingground, Edinburgh 1658-1700
Register of marriage allegations of the Vicar General of the Archbishop of Canterbury : indexes, 1660-1921; marriage allegations 1660-1851
Register of marriages in Milton, Mass. : from the diary of Rev. Peter Thacher 1686-1727
Register of marriages, St. Pauls Episcopal Chapel, Aberdeen, Scotland : 1767-1841
Register of members
Register of members
Register of members
Register of members of the Society of Colonial Wars : who served in the army or navy of the United States during the Spanish-American War, and record of the patriotic work done by the society
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Register of members of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Colorado
Register of members of the Society of colonial wars who served in the army or navy of the United States during the Spanish-American war, and record of the patriotic work done by the society;
Register of negro slaves and masters for 1805-1807, Knox County, Indiana Territory
Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars 1897-1898 : constitution of the General society
Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire
Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire
Register of officers and members of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire
Register of pioneer inhabitants of California, 1542 to 1848, : an index to information concerning them in Bancroft's history of Cali- fornia
Register of retired commissioned and warrant officers, regular and reserve, of the United States Navy and Marine Corps - July 1964
Register of testaments : 1715-1800
Register of the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Register of the California Society, Sons of the Revolution
Register of the California Society, Sons of the Revolution
Register of the Challen Collection : a transcription of various parish registers collated with the Bishop's transcripts
Register of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York
Register of the Commandery of the State of Kansas, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Register of the Commandery of the State of Minnesota
Register of the Commandery of the State of Minnesota
Register of the Commandery of the State of Minnesota
Register of the Confederate dead, interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va
Register of the Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1893-1907
Register of the Connecticut Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1893-1922
Register of the Empire State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution
Register of the General Society of the War of 1812
Register of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1891- 1915
Register of the Maryland Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 1915- 1938
Register of the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, National Commandery
Register of the Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States, National Commandery
Register of the Military order of the loyal legion of the United States
Register of the National Society of Colonial Dames in the state of New York, 1893-1926
Register of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution : Instituted April 3d, 1888. Incorporated September 29th, 1890
Register of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution : Instituted April 3d, 1888. Incorporated September 29th, 1890
Register of the Shedd Family Association
Register of the Shedd Family Association
Register of the Shedd Family Association
Register of the Shedd Family Association
Register of the Society Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, 1902
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri : organized in St. Louis, Mo., November 22, 1894
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri : organized in St. Louis, Mo., November 22, 1894
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri, 1900
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri, 1904
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ohio. 1916
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the state of California
Register of the Society of Colonial Wars in the state of Missouri : organized in St. Louis, Mo., November 22, 1894, 1900
Register of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia 1970, Vol. 2
Register of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia 1970, Vol. 3
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the State of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Iowa
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Iowa
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Missouri
Register of the Society of Sons of the Revolution in the state of Missouri
Register of the St. Albans Presbyterian Church ... St. Albans, W.Va.
Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 1
Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2 pt 1
Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2 pt 2
Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2 pt 3
Register of the University of Oxford, vol. 2 pt 4
Register of the Washington State Society, Sons of the American Revolution, June 17, 1895- April 19, 1916 :
Register of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association
Register of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association
Register of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association
Register of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association
Register of the Wellesley College Alumnae Association
Register of the Wigram family, 1743-1913 : being a complete record of the descendants of Sir Robert Wigram
Register of the alumni, 1875-1915
Register of the descendants of Samuel King and John Southworth of Danvers
Register of the descendents of the revolutoinary soldier Abner Willis Stanford
Register of the family Risch of Magdeburg in Lower Saxony : pedigree of family Steinacher vol. 28 of the German Register pp 487-509
Register of the members of the "Artillery Corps, Washington Grays" of the city of Philadelphia who served in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865
Register of voters for the northern division of the County of Durham, 1868-9, and poll taken 24 November, 1868
Register of wills and inventories of the Diocese of Dublin in the time of Archbishops Tregury & Walton, 1457-1483
Register over døpte, gifte og begravede, utdrag av Hamre kirkebok nr. 1 & 3 ; : Hamre kirkebok nr. 2, Vol. 2
Register to Copenhagens probate records
Register, Commandery of the State of Massachusetts, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, October 1, 1900
Register, Confederate Veterans at Mexico, Mo. 1909
Registers of Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire [1591-1811];
Registers of Bradfield, in the diocese of York, 1559-1722
Registers of Broad Chalke, Co. Wilts, from 1538 to 1780
Registers of Chirbury, vol. 8
Registers of Danish estate probates, Svendborg county
Registers of Knockin and Llanyblodwel, Vol. 3
Registers of Onibury
Registers of Oswestry, Vol. 4
Registers of Oswestry, Vol. 5
Registers of Selattyn, vol. 1
Registers of Shipbourne, co. Kent
Registers of St. Chad, 1616-1812, [Vol. 1]
Registers of St. Chad, 1616-1812, [Vol. 2]
Registers of St. Chad, 1616-1812, [Vol. 3]
Registers of St. Mary's Shrewsbury, 1584-1812
Registers of St. Thomas à Becket, Portsmouth--marriages, 1776-1812
Registers of Stock Harvard (from 1563 to 1700)
Registers of Westbury, vol. 12
Registers of Wroxeter
Registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, St. Mary's Episcopal, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1842-1929
Registers of inmates in the Confederate home
Registers of the Independent chapel of Kipping, in Thornton, parish of Bradford; v. 4
Registers of the Parish Church of Aston juxta Birmingham : 1544-1640; Vol. 01
Registers of the parish church of Bolton-le-Moors, with registers of Turton, Bradshaw, Walmsby, Little Bolton, etc., Vol. 15. Baptisms, Bolton, Nov. 1808-Sept. 22, 1811. Little Bolton, All Saints Chapel, 1810. Turton, 1808-1810
Registers of the parish church of Calverley in the West Riding of the county of York; : with a description of the church, and a sketch of its history ...; Vol. 01
Registers of the parish church of Calverley in the West Riding of the county of York; : with a description of the church, and a sketch of its history …, Vol. 3
Registers of the parish church of Claverly, in the West Riding of the County of York; with a description of the church, and a sketch of its history prior to 1650:
Registers van de Burgerlijke Administratie
Registros parroquiales
Registrum Ade de Orleton, Episcopi Herefordensis A.D. MCCCXVII-MCCCXXVII / transcribed and edited, with an intro. by A. T. Bannister
Registrum Episcopatus Brechinensis, Cui Accedunt Cartae Quamplurimae Originales
Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis; Munimenta Ecclesie Metropolitane Glasguensis a Sede Restaurata Seculo Incunte Xii Ad Reformatam Religionem
Registrum Episcopatus Moraviensis; E Pluribus Codicibus Consarcinatum Circa A.D. Mcccc., Cum Continuatione Diplomatum Recentiorum Usque Ad A.D. Mdcxxiii
Registrum Hamonis Hethe
Registrum Roffense, or, A collection of antient records, charters, and instruments of divers kinds : necessary for illustrating the ecclesiastical history and antiquities of the diocese and cathedral church of Rochester
Registrum antiquum de Llanbadog in comitatu Monumethensi. 1582-1709
Registrum antiquum de Llanfihangel Ystern Llewern in comitatu monuethensi, 1685-1812
Registrum de Panmure, records of the families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin-Barclay, united in the line of the barons and earls of Panmure, vol. 1
Registrum de Panmure, records of the families of Maule, de Valoniis, Brechin, and Brechin-Barclay, united in the line of the barons and earls of Panmure, vol. 2
Registrum honoris de Morton; a series of ancient charters of the earldom of Morton, with other original papers
Rehoboth in the past. An historical oration delivered on the Fourth of July, 1860
Reid family, 1776-1974
Reifsnyder--Gillam ancestry
Reilly & Jennings family
Reimel : of Niedermodern, Alsace, France to Northampton Co., Pa. 1737 : including the Rymal descendants to Canada and Rimel to Va., Tn. and other states : with brief outlines of Craun, Sites and other families
Reinfrit von Braunschweig
Reis door Noord Amerika
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair
Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair
Reise durch das Innere der Europäischen Türkei von Rustchuk über Philippopel, Rilo (Monastir ...
Reise durch den Harz und die Hestischen Lande, besonders in Hinsicht auf Natursch?nheiten, Anbau und Alterth?mer. Braunschweig, Schulbuchh. 1797
Reisen in Canada und durch die Staaten von New York und Pennsylvanien
Reisen nach dem Nordpolarmeer in den Jahren 1870 und 1871 [microform]
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central Afrika, in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central Afrika, in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in Den Jahren 1849 Bis 1855
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855 [microform] : tagebuch seiner im Auftrage der Brittischen Regierung unternommenen Reise
Reisen und Entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Afrika in den Jahren 1849 bis 1855: tagebuch seiner im Auftrage der Brittischen Regierung unternommenen Reise
Relac?a?o dos festejos que tivera?o lugar em Lisboa nos memoraveis dias 31 de julho, 1, 2, etc. de agosto de 1826
Relación descriptiva de los mapas, planos, etc., de las antiguas audiencias de Panamá, Santa Fe y Quito existentes en el Archivo General de Indias
Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, en l'annee 1633 [microforme] : envoyée au R.P. Barth. Iacquinot, provincial de la Compagnie de Jesus en la province de France par le P. Paul Le Jeune de la mesme compagnie, superieur de la résidence de Kebec
Relatively speaking : the quarterly journal of the Alberta Genealogical Society - v. 40, no. 3 (Aug. 2012)
Relatives of Lydia Lippincott : late of the county of Burlington, in the state of New Jersey, deceased
Relazione intorno gli scavi intrapresi per l'illustrazione dell'antico teatro di Berga in Vicenza Giovanni Miglioranza
Relief Society Memories of Rexburg & North Rexburg Stakes 1883-1945
Religion (?) freed from state control : a charge delivered to the clergy, churchwardens and sidesmen of the Archdeaconry of Middlesex : at his fifth visitation, (at the end of his sixth year), held at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, May 11th, 1881
Religion in England from 1800 to 1850 : a history, with a postscript on subsequent events
Religion under the barons of Baltimore; being a sketch of ecclesistical affairs from the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 to the formal establishment of the Church of England in 1692 ..
Religion, Kirche, Religionsstreit in Deutschland [Politisch-Psychologische Schriftreihe der Sex-Pol Nr. 3]
Religious denominations of the world : comprising a general view of the origin, history, and condition of the various sects of Christians, the Jews, and Mahometans, as well as the pagan forms of religion existing in the different countries of
Religious forces and other activities in the history of Vineland, N.J.
Religious life in England
Religious life in Germany during the wars of independence : a series of historical and biographical sketches
Religious life in Germany during the wars ofindependence : a series of historical and biographical sketches
Religious manuscripts old and new
Religious thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of last century, a contribution to the history of theology
Religious thought in England, from the Reformation to the end of last century, a contribution to the history of theology
Religious thought in Germany, reprinted by permission from "The Times."
Religious writers of England
Relocated cemeteries in Oklahoma and parts of Arkansas, Kansas, Texas
Relocation of Post Oak Mission Cemetery, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma 1957
Remains literary and theological of Connop Thirlwall, late lord Bishop of St. David's
Remains of Alexander Knox, Esq
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester [microform]
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester [microform]
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester [microform]
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. General index, vols. 31-114
Remains, historical & literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. General index, vols. 31-114
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the Palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester, Vol. 29
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester. New ser
Remarkable vision and death bed experience of Ada A. Park
Remarks on Jamaica, Vermont
Remarks on the History of England: From the Minutes of Humphry Oldcastle, Esq
Remarks on the Hussey peerage
Remarks on the Maverick family and the ancestry of Gov. Simon Bradstreet
Remarks on the Popham celebration of the Maine historical society. Read before the American antiquarian society, April 26, 1865
Remarks on the innovations in the public worship of God / with an appendix containing the translations and paraphrases sanctioned for the use of private families by the General Assembly 1751
Remarks on the royal supremacy as it is defined by reason, history, and the constitution : A letter to the Lord Bishop of London
Remember when : Monfort Heights
Remember who you are : the ancestors and descendants of A. D. Huff and Minnnie Overturf Huff
Remembering the good times : the story of my life at home with my family from 1920-1941 (the first twenty years of my life)
Remembrance of the diamond jubilee, June 21, 1925 : 1850-1925
Remembrance pages of the Family Zimmerman/Nussloch
Remembrances of Roy and Rebecca
Remembrances of Sarah McFarlin Taylor, 1845-1931
Remick genealogy : compiled from the manuscript of Lieutenant Oliver Philbrick Remick for the Maine Historical Society
Remingtons of Utah, with their ancestors and descendants
Remingtons of Utah, with their ancestors and descendants
Reminiscence of William Macy, 1786-1869
Reminiscence, gleanings & thoughts, [nos. 1 & 2]
Reminiscences : incidents in the life of a pioneer in Oregon and Idaho
Reminiscences and biographical notices of past members
Reminiscences and early history of pioneer days
Reminiscences and else : war record, ministerial career, what is hell, what is heaven, the gentile mind and the Jew, new conclusions from old premises, the Sabbath day
Reminiscences and genealogical record of the Vaughan family of New Hampshire
Reminiscences and genealogy of the Joel Hinkley and Amos Hackett families
Reminiscences and memorials of men of the Revolution and their families
Reminiscences and memorials of men of the revolution and their families
Reminiscences and memories of Henry Thomas Butterworth and Nancy Irwin Wales, his wife : with some account of their golden wedding, November 3, 1880; prepared and left for the information, satisfaction, and benefit of our grandchildren and others
Reminiscences and record of the 6th New York V.V. cavalry
Reminiscences of Abigail Ayres : for her descendants
Reminiscences of Brownfield : short sketch from the history of the town
Reminiscences of Captain Gronow : being anecdotes of the camp, the court, and the clubs at the close of the last war with France
Reminiscences of Col. John Ketcham of Monroe County, Indiana
Reminiscences of D.H. Conyngham
Reminiscences of David Hayfield Conyngham, 1750-1834 : a hero of the Revolution, and the head of the Revolutionary house of Conyngham and Nesbitt, Philadelphia, Pa
Reminiscences of David Hayfield Conyngham, 1750-1834 : of the revolutionary house of Conyngham and Nesbitt, Philadelphia, Pa
Reminiscences of Elisha Atkins
Reminiscences of Gen'l Samuel B. Webb of the Revolutionary Army
Reminiscences of George La Bar : the centenarian of Monroe County, Pa., who is still living in his 107th year, and incidents in the early settlement of the Pennsylvania side of the river valley, from Easton to Bushkill
Reminiscences of Isaac and Rachael (Budd) Collins : with an account of some of their descendants : together with a genealogy of the Collins family and also a history of a reunion held at Philadelphia, May 9, 1892
Reminiscences of Isaac and Rachel (Budd) Collins; with an account of some of their descendants, together with a genealogy of the Collins family, and also a history of a reunion held at Philadelphia, May 9, 1892
Reminiscences of John Sublette of Elk Mountain, Wyoming relative to the early history of Wyoming
Reminiscences of Lucius Manlius Sargent : with an appendix containing a genealogy of his family, and other matters
Reminiscences of Maria Jane Southgate Hawes
Reminiscences of Oscar Sonnenkalb, Idaho Surveyor and Pioneer
Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama for Thirty Years: For Thirty Years ...
Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama, for Thirty Years: For Thirty Years ...
Reminiscences of Quincy, Illinois, containing historical events, anecdotes, matters concerning old settlers and old times, etc.
Reminiscences of Rev. Jno. H. McLean, A.M., D.D.
Reminiscences of Saratoga
Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston
Reminiscences of Scottish life and character
Reminiscences of William Rogers, rector of St. Botolph Bishopsgate
Reminiscences of Worcester from the earliest period, historical and genealogical : with notices of early settlers and prominent citizens, and descriptions of old landmarks and ancient dwellings, accompanied by a map and numerous illustrations
Reminiscences of Yarrow
Reminiscences of a Liverpool shipowner, 1850-1920
Reminiscences of a Texas frontier heritage as portrayed in the lives of Ransom Gwyn Blanton, Born Kershaw district, South Carolina, 1814, died near Hutto, Williamson County, October 14, 1881; Benjamin Franklin Blanton born Colorado County, Texa
Reminiscences of a Texas frontier heritage as portrayed in the lives of Ransom Gwyn Blanton, Born Kershaw district, South Carolina, 1814, died near Hutto, Williamson County, October 14, 1881; Benjamin Franklin Blanton born Colorado County, Texa
Reminiscences of a nonagenarian
Reminiscences of an army nurse during the civil war
Reminiscences of an old timer : a recital of the actual events, incidents, trials ... of a pioneer, hunter, miner and scout of the Pacific Northwest, together with his later experiences ... the several Indian wars, anecdotes, etc.
Reminiscences of early La Crosse, Wisconsin : an account of the men and women who lived in La Crosse and vicinity and who shared in its progress and in the building up of its commercial, professional, and educational interests with notes on conservation of plant and animal life
Reminiscences of editors, reporters, and printers, during the last sixty years
Reminiscences of famous Georgians, embracing episodes and incidents in the lives of the great men of the state, also an appendix devoted to extracts from speeches and addresses
Reminiscences of fifty years in Texas
Reminiscences of life in territorial Wisconsin, 1824-1842
Reminiscences of literary London from 1779-1853. With interesting anecdotes of publishers, authors and book auctioneers of that period, &c., &c
Reminiscences of my mother
Reminiscences of old Fort Wayne
Reminiscences of old Gloucester : or incidents in the history of the counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Camden, New Jersey
Reminiscences of our mother (Jane Gilliland McGrew)
Reminiscences of peace and war
Reminiscences of pioneer days in St. Paul : a collection of articles written for and published in the Daily pioneer press
Reminiscences of pioneer life
Reminiscences of public men in Alabama : for thirty years, with an appendix
Reminiscences of public men in Alabama : for thirty years, with an appendix
Reminiscences of public men in Alabama, for thirty years : with an appendix
Reminiscences of ten years experience on the western plains : how the United States mails were carried before railroads reached the Santa Fe Trail
Reminiscences of the Baylies and Richmond families
Reminiscences of the Bradford and Waters families
Reminiscences of the Cleveland Light Artillery
Reminiscences of the Speer family
Reminiscences of the family of Captain John Fowle of Watertown, Massachusetts : with genealogical notes of some of his ancestors, descendants and family connections
Reminiscences of the family of Moody Chase of Shirley, Massachusetts : also a brief account of his ancestry
Reminiscences, fifty years a lawyer : and appendix containing a list of the officers and members, and a copy of the by-laws of the Phoebe Humphrey Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of Collinsville, Connecticut
Reminiscences, historical and traditional of the Grants of Glenmoriston : with selections from the songs and elegies of their bards
Reminiscences. With occasional essays
Reminiscenses of early Wauwatosa
Reminiscenses of the early days in Chambers County
Remonstrantie vande steden van Brabant, Aende Mo:Ed:Heeren Mijne Heeren die Staten generael der Vereenichde Nederlanden, het Marquisaet van Bergen opten Zoom de Baronnije van Breda de stat Graue, Cuijck ende alle de lande onder resorterende, mits oock Willem stadt ende Fijnart
Remote Sensing and Holocene Vegetation: History of Global Change
Renaissance of the Clan MacLean, comprising also a history of Dubhaird Caisteal and the great gathering on August 24, 1912 : together with an appendix containing letters of Gen'l Allan MacLean, narrative of an American party, a MacLean bibliography
Renaissance of the clan MacLean, comprising also a history od Dubhaird Caisteal and the great gathering on August 24, 1912. Together with an appendix containing letters of Gen'l Allan MacLean, narrative of an American party, a MacLean bibliography
Renewing our roots : a guide to Racine: Central City, Southside
Renfrewshire monumental inscriptions : pre-1855
Reno Evening Gazette : vital records 1967-1971; v. 1
Reno family tree, 1654-1915
Renowned history and adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Rental, ca. 1737
Renville County, Minnesota : excerpts from historical writings
Repertoire numerique de la serie L : periode revolutionnaire;
Repertoire numerique de la serie V (cultes);
Repertorio de los documentos históricos procedentes del Archivo de Indias, editados en los años 1918-1919-1920-1921, bajo la dirección de Roberto Levillier
Repertorio genealogico delle famiglie confermate nobili e dei titolati nobili esistenti nelle provincie venete...
Repertorium ecclesiasticum parochiale londinense an ecclesiastical parochial history of the diocese of London : containing an account of the bishops of that sea, from the first foundation thereof
, Vol. 1
Repertorium über die in zeit- und sammelschriften der jahre 1891-1900 enthaltenen aufsätze und mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen inhaltes. Als fortsetzung zu Brandletters Repertorium für die jahre 1812-1890 hrsg. von der Allgemeinen geschichtforschenden gesellschaft der Schweiz und in ihrem auftrag bearb
Repertorium van inventarissen van Nederlandse archieven
Repertorium über die Verhandlungen...
Replica contra periculosa scripta post Scrutinium diuine scripture iam pride[m] emissum emanata ...
Replies to Essays and reviews
Reply to Prof. Mattison's "Answer", etc.; being the summing up of the case of Professor Mattison against Mrs. Palmer
Reply to a certain document published by John F. Sanford, exposing his base falsehoods and dark designs against the medical department of the Iowa State University
Report & Transactions of the Devonshire Association Vol 52 (1920)
Report and transactions
Report and transactions
Report and transactions
Report and transactions
Report for supporting the county paupers for the County of Belknap, for the year ending March 1, 1872
Report from the Lord's committee touching the dignity of a peer of the realm, & c. & c. With appendices
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 1, Part 1
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 1, Part 2
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 1, Part 3
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 1, Part 4
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 2, Part 1
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 2, Part 2
Report from the Secretary of War : in relation to the pension establishment of the United States, Vol. 2, Part 3
Report of ... annual reunion of the 50th Illinois Reunion Association
Report of Major General Love, of the Indiana Legion
Report of Warrant Committee to the town of Mount Desert ..
Report of annual meeting
Report of annual meeting
Report of annual meeting
Report of annual meeting
Report of annual reunion
Report of annual reunion
Report of annual reunion
Report of annual reunion
Report of annual reunion
Report of annual reunion
Report of historian general
Report of journey to Nova Scotia in 1881
Report of journey to Nova Scotia in 1881
Report of proceedings of the Wyoming Commemorative Association on the occasion of the ... anniversary of the battle and massacre of Wyoming
Report of proceedings of the second general council of the Presbyterian alliance : convened at Philadelphia, September, 1880
Report of the ... annual convention, Woman's Relief Corps, Department of Colorado & Wyoming
Report of the ... annual convention, Woman's Relief Corps, Department of Colorado & Wyoming
Report of the ... annual reunion of Battery A ... 26th (1892)
Report of the ... meeting of the Foote Family Association ...
Report of the ... meeting of the Foote Family Association ...
Report of the ... reunion of the Tri-State Old Settlers' Association of Illinois, Missouri and Iowa ..
Report of the ... reunion, 1st-2nd, 1905-'08
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866, Vol. 2
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois, 1861-1866, Vol. 6
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1899/1900
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1901/02
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1905/06
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1913/14
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, 1929/30
Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky : Kentucky Volunteers, War with Spain, 1898-99
Report of the Adjutant General of the state of Indiana ..
Report of the Adjutant General of the state of Kansas, 1861-'65. Vol. I
Report of the Adjutant General of the state of Kentucky : Mexican War veterans (1846-1847)
Report of the Adjutant- General of the State of Missouri, 1917/20
Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of Missouri, 1905/06
Report of the Adjutant-General of the State of Missouri, 1915/16
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the American Baptist Home Mission Society
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia - 1936
Report of the Board of general managers of the exhibit of the state of New York, at the World's Columbian exposition : transmitted to the Legislature April 18, 1894
Report of the Booth Association of the United States
Report of the Booth Association of the United States : Containing the organization, the Booth constitution, and information relative to Booth property in England; also pedigrees of the different branches of the Booth family in America and Engla
Report of the Boston Young Men's Christian Union
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario, 1928
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario, Vol. 16
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1904 Pt. 1
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1904 Pt. 2
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1905
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1906
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1908
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1909 Pt. 1
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1910
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1911 Pt. 2
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1912
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1914 Pt.5
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1916
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1917
Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. 1918
Report of the Capitol Decoration Commission, 1917-1928
Report of the Chicago land use survey : directed by the Chicago Plan Commission and conducted by the Work Projects Administration, Vol. 1
Report of the Chicago land use survey : directed by the Chicago Plan Commission and conducted by the Work Projects Administration, vol. 2
Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania
Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania v. 1
Report of the Commission to locate the site of the frontier forts of Pennsylvania v. 2
Report of the Commissioner of Public Records
Report of the Commissioner of Public Records
Report of the Commissioner of Public Records
Report of the Department of Public Records and Archives of Ontario. 1928
Report of the Department of Public Records and Archives of Ontario. 1933
Report of the Examiner of Public Records for the fifteen months ended September 30, 1912
Report of the Hempstead Family Association, 1908-1910
Report of the Maine Woman's Christian Temperance Union ... annual convention
Report of the Monument Committee of the Veteran Association of the 13th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, 1862-1865, the dedicatory exercises at Gettysburg, on Friday, July 1st, 1887, and the camp-fire on Friday evening, June 30th, with a list of the contributors to the monument fund
Report of the Proceedings at the Reunion Conference Held at Bonn Between the ...
Report of the School Committee for the town of Blackstone, Mass
Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : containing reports of the surveys and re-surveys of the boundary lines of the commonwealth, accompanied with maps of the same. Prepared in compliance with a resolution of the General Assembly, approved the 7th day of May, 1885
Report of the Sheffield conference, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held in the Hall of Science, Rockingham Street, Sheffield, May 19th, 1850
Report of the State survey commission to the Honorable Henry S. Caulfield, governor of Missouri
Report of the Tower ter-centenery celebration and Tower reunion... - Fourth Annual Reunion, Detroit, Michigan (June 7,8 & 9, 1912)
Report of the Tower ter-centenery celebration and Tower reunion... - Second Annual Reunion, Hingham, Mass (17,18 &19 June 1910)
Report of the Tower ter-centenery celebration and Tower reunion... - Seventh Annual, Hingham, Mass (3 July, 1916)
Report of the Tower ter-centenery celebration and Tower reunion... - Third Annual Reunion, Cohasset, Mass (2 Sept 1911)
Report of the adjutant general of the Arkansas state guard, 1897-1900 : including the period of the Spanish-American war
Report of the adjutant general of the state of Illinois ... Containing reports for the years 1861-66
Report of the agent of the Colonization Society of the state of Indiana, in reply to a resolution of the Senate.
Report of the agent of the Indiana Colonization Society showing the operations of said agency during the year 1852, in reply to a resolution of the Senate.
Report of the centennial celebration at Bethel, August 26, 1874 ..
Report of the city public schools of Huntington, Indiana, from 1903 to 1908 : with course of study, rules and regulations, historical matter, and announcements for 1908-09
Report of the financial affairs of the town of Orange, including a report from the Superintending School Committee, for the year ending ..
Report of the first quarterly meeting of the Nottinghamshire Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held in St. Ann's Chapel, St. Ann's Street, Nottingham, on the twenty-eighth day of March, 1852
Report of the first reunion of the Association of Descendants of Andrew Ward, held at Fairfield, Conn., May 10th 1905
Report of the first reunion of the Grant family association : at Windsor and Hartford, Conn., on Octobert 27, 1899 : the 298th anniversary of the birth of Matthew Grant
Report of the great re-union of the veteran soldiers and sailors of Ohio held at Newark, July 22, 1878, under the auspices of "the Society of the soldiers and sailors of Licking County, Ohio."
Report of the historian of the Confederate records to the General assembly of South Carolina. 1898-
Report of the meeting of the fifth meeting of the Danforth family in America, held in Boston, September 1, 1886
Report of the officers of the town of Lincoln for the year ... : also, the report of the school and other committees for the year ..
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1909
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1910
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1912
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1920
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1923
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1924
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1927
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1929
Report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the ... Missouri bar association 1930
Report of the public schools of Fort Wayne, Indiana, with announcements for ... and the rules and regulations, and the course of study
Report of the public schools of Fort Wayne, Indiana, with announcements for ... and the rules and regulations, and the course of study
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the receipts and expenditures of the town of Topsfield for the year ending ..
Report of the reunion of the Grant family association at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ulysses Simpson Grant in Washington, D.C., April 27, 1922, and of the exercises at New York city and Point Pleasant, Ohio
Report of the school committee of the town of Easton - 1870-1871
Report of the school committee, and of the trustees of the Free Library of Milford, N.H., for the year ..
Report of the school committee, and of the trustees of the Free Library of Milford, N.H., for the year ..
Report of the school committee, and of the trustees of the Free Library of Milford, N.H., for the year ..
Report of the school committee, and of the trustees of the Free Library of Milford, N.H., for the year ..
Report of the second annual reunion of the descendants of Ezra Olin and Betsy Green held at Streetsboro, Ohio, Thursday and Friday, October 6 & 7, 1887
Report of the second meeting of the foote family association of America : and dedication of the Nathaniel Foote memorial at Wethersfield, Ct.
Report of the selectmen and other officers
Report of the selectmen, town treasurer, collector and other town officers
Report of the selectmen, town treasurer, collector and other town officers
Report of the selectmen, town treasurer, collector and other town officers
Report of the seventh Conference of Officers and Representatives of the Foreign Missions Boards and Societies in the United States and Canada, held in the Church Mission House, 150 4th Ave. & 22d St, New York, January 10-12, 1899
Report of the sixth meeting of the Danforth family : held in the Chicago, July 20th, 1893
Report of the special committee appointed to investigate the troubles in Kansas : with the views of the minority of said committee
Report of the special committee appointed to investigate the troubles in Kansas, with the views of the minority of said committee.
Report of the sub-committee on a photographic survey of England and Wales
Report of the town of Amherst, Massachusetts for the period ..
Report of the work ... from 1897 to 1915 : during the presidency of Mrs. William Gerry Slade
Report on Canadian Archives - 1888
Report on Canadian Archives - 1891
Report on Canadian archives
Report on Canadian archives
Report on Canadian archives
Report on Canadian archives
Report on Canadian archives
Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (except Alaska) at the eleventh Census: 1890 / Department of the Interior, Census Office.
Report on estates & administrations, 1859-1861
Report on manuscripts in the Welsh language
Report on manuscripts in various collections
Report on moral instruction (general and denominational) and on moral training in the schools of Austria, Belfium, the British Empire, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the U.S., with two introductory essays and an annotated bibliography of about 750 volumes
Report on the Manuscripts of the Family of Gawdy, Formerly of Norfolk
Report on the Ruleman family
Report on the accomplishments and activities of the Oklahoma Historical Records Survey (February 18, 1936 to January 20, 1940)
Report on the manuscripts of Allan George Finch, Esq., of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland
Report on the manuscripts of Allan George Finch, Esq., of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rutland
Report on the manuscripts of F.W. Leyborne-Popham, Esq., of Littlecote, Co. Wilts
Report on the manuscripts of Lady Du Cane
Report on the manuscripts of the Earl of Mar and Kellie, preserved at Alloa House, N.B
Report on the present state and future prospects of Lord Howe Island
Report on the records of the city of Exeter ..
Report on the sanitary condition of the labouring populationof Great Britain. A supplementary report on the results of a special inquiry into the practice of interment in towns. Made at the request of Her Majesty's principal secretary of state for the Home department
Report on the teaching of history in the schools of Germany and Belgium
Report to the Convocation of the Province of Canterbury on the Ecclesiastical Records of the diocese of Bath and Wells; a short account of church plate ..
Report to the Gibson Association of Vermont, U.S.A.
Report to the Houghton Association, U.S.A. made by Columbus Smith, 1869 : ... relative to Houghton property in England : genealogies of different branches of this family
Report to the Jennings Association
Report to the Willoughby Association, U.S.A
Report to the Wilson Association, U.S.A.
Report to the legislature of Massachusetts
Report, full, authentic, and complete : of all the proceedings of the memorable first reunion of Dodge family in America ...
Report. 1861-1867
Reports and papers read at the meetings of the architectural societies of the county of Lincoln...[etc.] - v. 12 pt. 1-2
Reports and papers. Fairfield County Historical Society, Bridgeport, Conn. ... 1882-1896/97
Reports and transactions
Reports of Caroline S. Coldren with letters of Transmittal on the Graybill family of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1939-1945
Reports of Joseph Ellicott as chief of survey (1797-1800); and as agent (1800-1821) of the Holland land company's purchases in western New York, Vol. 2
Reports of cases argued & determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, Vol. 2
Reports of cases argued & determined in the Court of Exchequer in Equity, vol. 1b
Reports of cases argued & determined in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England
Reports of cases argued + determined in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England during the time of the Rt. Honble. Sir John Leach, Knt., vol. 1
Reports of cases argued + determined in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England during the time of the Rt. Honble. Sir John Leach, Knt., vol. 2
Reports of cases argued + determined in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England during the time of the Rt. Honble. Sir John Leach, Knt., vol. 3
Reports of cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri. V. 9
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts, vol. 2
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Ecclesiastical Courts, vol. 3
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judical Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : from September 1804 to March term, 1822, Vol. 3
Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, Vol. 2
Reports of cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Rolls Courts, 1836-1839, vol. 1
Reports of officers of the town of Acworth, N. H., for the fiscal year ending Feb. 15, 1898
Reports of officials, departments, committes of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire, 1915-1919
Reports of officials, departments, committes of the Town of Derry, New Hampshire, 1923
Reports of schools and library, and statistics of soldiers, of the town of Peterborough, rendered ..
Reports of some recent decisions by the Consistorial Court of Scotland [1811-1817] in actions of divorce, concluding for dissolution of marriages celebrated under the English law
Reports of the historical secretary of the Old settlers' association of Lake County, Indiana
Reports of the meetings of the Foote Family Association of America; Vol. 01-02
Reports of the president and engineer
Reports of the selectmen and superintending school committee of the town of Andover, for the year ending ...
Reports of the selectmen, social service worker, treasurer, board of finance, tax collector, public health nurse, board of education and public library of the town of Westbrook - 1934
Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and superintending school committee of the town of Hebron, 1880
Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and superintending school committee of the town of Hebron, 1882-1883
Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and superintending school committee of the town of Hebron, 1896
Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and superintending school committee of the town of Hebron, 1907-1909
Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and superintending school committee, of the town of Fremont, N.H. for the year ending ..
Reports of the town officers and departments of the town of Littleton, Massachusetts, for the year ending ..
Reports of the town officers of Malden, for the year ending Feb. 28..., with the list of taxes, statistics, &c
Reports of the trustees and treasurer of the College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts of the state of Maine
Reports of the two reunions of the Massachusetts Branch of the Bassett Family Association of America held at Hotel Vendome, Boston, Mass., Sept. 15, 1900 and Oct. 12, 1901
Reports on the estate of Sir Andrew Chadwick and the recent proceedings of the Chadwick association in reference thereto
Reports on the geological survey of the state of Missouri : 1855-1871
Representations of witches in popular literature in England, 1566-1645
Representative citizens of Connecticut, biographical memorial
Representative deaf persons of the United States of America : containing portraits and character sketches of prominent deaf persons (commonly called "deaf mutes"[)] who are engaged in the higher pursuits of life
Representative families of Northampton : a demonstration of what high character, good ancestry, and heredity have accomplished in a New England town
Representative men and old families of Rhode Island : genealogical records and historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and of many of the old families
Representative men and old families of Rhode Island : genealogical records and historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and of many of the old families, Vol. 1
Representative men and old families of Rhode Island : genealogical records and historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and of many of the old families, Vol. 2
Representative men and old families of southeastern Massachusetts : containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families, vol 1
Representative men and old families of southeastern Massachusetts : containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families, vol 2
Representative men and old families of southeastern Massachusetts : containing historical sketches of prominent and representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families, vol 3
Representative men of Maine. A collection of portraits with biographical sketches of residents of the state, who have achieved success ... to which is added the portraits and sketches of all the governors since the formation of the state ..
Representative women of Colorado: a pictorial collection of the women of Colorado who have attained prominence in the social, political, professional, pioneer and club life of the state
Reprint of official register of land lottery of Georgia, 1827
Reprints of the biographical sketches, W.H. Perrin's histories of Kentucky originally published 1885-1887, surname index
Reproduction of Thompson and West's "History of Nevada, 1881" : with illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers
Repton and its neighborhood : a descriptive guide of the archaeology, etc, of the district
Repton and its neighbourhood : a descriptive guide of the archæology, &c. of the district
Requa family
Research aids for British Isles, continental Europe, United States and Canada
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Index
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 1
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 10
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 100
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 101
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 102
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 103
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 104
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 105
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 106
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 107
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 108
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 11
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 110
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 111
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 112
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 113
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 114
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 115
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 116
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 117
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 118
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 119
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 12
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 120
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 121
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 122
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 123
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 124
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 125
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 126
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 127
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 13
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 14
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 15
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 16
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 17
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 18
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 19
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 20
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 22
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 24
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 25
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 26
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 27
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 28
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 3
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 30
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 31
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 32
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 34
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 35
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 39
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 4
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 40
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 41
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 42
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 43
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 44
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 45
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 46
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 47
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 48
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 49
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 5
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 53
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 54
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 55
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 56
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 57
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 59
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 6
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 61
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 62
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 63
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 64
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 65
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 66
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 67
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 68
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 69
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 7
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 70
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 71
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 72
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 73
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 74
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 76
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 77
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 78
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 79
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 8
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 80
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 81
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 82
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 83
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 84
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 86
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 87
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 88
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 89
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 9
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 90
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 92
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 94
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 95
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 96
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 97
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 98
Research collection of Worth Stickley Ray and his wife, Marie Wroten on their ancestral lines, and other families of the Southern States, Vol. 99
Research correspondence of Hubert Bowen, of Torrance, California, Part 1
Research correspondence on the Talbot and Sweetnam families
Research in Berkshire (England) 1672-1826 (Bishop's Transcripts)
Research in England
Research in Switzerland
Research in the Scandinavian countries
Research information about the Germanic peoples of Switzerland, Germany & Austria
Research notes on the McNiven family of Scotland
Research notes on the ancestry of Joseph Ellison Beck : an account of Henry Beck of Burlington County, New Jersey, and some of his descendants and related lines
Research on Moyle, Rowe, Beer, Cook and related lines in Devonshire and Cornwall, 1960 and 1963
Research on Parker, Evans, Morris & Willoughby lines
Research sources and statistics for the United States and island possessions and for Canada
Researches as to the families of Searles and Methuen
Researches in genealogy relating to the Cutler family : made in England in a summer vacation, 1888, in an endeavor to trace the ancestry of the first emigrants of that name, who settled in Massachesetts Bay in the years 1634-7, viz.: James Cutl
Researches, genealogical, chronological and heraldic, repecting the family of Bassett
Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun counties, Arkansas - v. 26, no. 1 (spring 2006)
Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun counties, Arkansas - v. 26, no. 2 (fall 2006)
Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun counties, Arkansas - v. 27, no. 1 (spring 2007)
Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun counties, Arkansas - v. 27, no. 2 (fall 2007)
Researchin' Ouachita-Calhoun counties, Arkansas - v. 32, no. 2 (fall 2012)
Researching the Italian name Podesta, Part 2
Reservation - East Hill, now Sentenile Heights Cemetery records, Lafayette, Onondaga County, New York
Resident and business directory of Milton, Mass. : containing a complete resident street and business directory, schools, town, officers, societies, churches, post offices, etc. etc. and a map of Milton and Hyde Park
Residents of Nantasket, Massachusetts, and environs, including Downer Landing, August 1, 1880
Resley family records; Vol. 01
Resolutions of the first synod of old Catholics of the German Empire, held at Bonn 27-29 May 1874 : with the articles adopted by the conference, held at Bonn 14-16 Sept. 1874 : edited for the Anglo-Continental Society
Resolved Waldron's descendants : Vanderpoel branch : descendants in the Vanderpoel branch of Resolved Waldron, who came from Holland to New Amsterdam in 1650
Resources and industries of Des Moines and Polk County, Iowa : showing the trade and commerce, railroads, business, manufacturing, mining interests, etc., of Iowa's capital and metropolis, the great railroad center of the Northwest, also contai
Resources and wealth of Story County, Iowa : a pamphlet containing a description of Story County
Resources of California; prepared in conformity with a law approved March 11, 1893
Responsibilities of the founders of republics: an address on the peninsula of Sabino
Rest in peace : early records from cemeteries in the city and county of Sacramento, California,vol. 1
Restless strangers : Nevada's immigrants and their interpreters
Restoration of the Ancient burying-ground of Hartford and the widening of Gold street; : with lists of contributors to the general fund and of descendants who contributed for the preservation of family monuments;
Result of some researches among the British archives for information relative to the founders of New England: made in years 1858, 1859, and 1860. Originally collected for and published in the New England Historical and Genealogical register, and now corrected and enlarged
Retherford family history
Retrospective glances of Limestone County Negro ed
Retrospectus : autobiographical notes of Thelma Bonham de Jong
Retrospectus : autobiographical notes of Thelma Bonham de Jong
Returns of deaths, vol. I, Biddeford, Maine, 1814-1898
Reuben : his book
Reuben George Rhees (1905-1974) reflections : of loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather, loyal brother, trusted friend, tireless and dedicated church worker
Reuben Miller family ancestry
Reuben Robie and Nancy Whiting Robie, their ancestors and descendants
Reul; ein Familienbuch
Reunion - Twenty third reunion,1892
Reunion celebration : together with an historical sketch of Peru, Bennington County, Vermont, and its inhabitants from the first settlement of the town
Reunion of the 12th Iowa V.[eteran] V.[olunteer] infantry ... 1st-8th, 1880-1903
Reunion of the Dickinson family, at Amherst, Mass., August 8th and 9th, 1883
Reunion of the Knowles family of the United States : historical address
Reunion of the Second Iowa Cavalry Veteran Association
Reunion of the Second Iowa Cavalry Veteran Association
Reunion of the Second Iowa Cavalry Veteran Association
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Cumberland
Reunions of the Nineteenth Maine Regiment Association, at Portland, bath, Belfast, Augusta and Richmond
Rev. Aron Wall and Aganetha Dick : Wall family, Branch 2-H, 1786-1958
Rev. Blackleach Burritt and related Stratford families
Rev. Christian Frederick Post and Peter Humrickhouse, and some of the latter's family
Rev. Christopher Yonges and Pastor John Youngs : Thomas Youngs of Oyster Bay and his descendants : the 250th anniversary of Pastor Young' settlement
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 1 January 1994
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 2 April 1994
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 3 July 1994
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 4 October 1994
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 5 January 1995
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 6 April 1995
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 7 July 1995
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 8 October 1995
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 9 January 1996
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 10 April 1996
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 11 July 1996
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 12 October 1996
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 13 January 1997
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 14 April 1997
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 15 July 1997
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 16 October 1997
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 17 Winter 1998
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 18 Spring 1998
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 19 Summer 1998
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 20 Autumn 1998
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 21 Winter 1999
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 21 [i.e. issue 22] Spring 1999
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 22 [i.e. issue 23] Summer 1999
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 24 Autumn 1999
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 25 Winter 2000
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 26 Spring 2000
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 27 Summer 2000
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 28 Autumn 2000
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 29 Winter 2001
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 30 Spring 2001
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 31 Summer 2001
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 32 Autumn 2001
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 32 [i.e.] 33 Autumn 2001
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 34 Spring 2002
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 35 Summer 2002
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 36 Autumn 2002
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 37 Winter 2003
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 38 Spring 2003
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 40 Fall 2003
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 41 winter 2004
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 42 spring 2004
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 43 summer 2004
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 44 autumn 2004
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 45 winter 2005
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 46 spring 2005
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 47 summer 2005
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 48 autumn 2005
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 49 winter 2006
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 50 spring 2006
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 51 summer 2006
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 52 autumn 2006
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 53 (Mar./Apr. 2007)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 54 (June/July 2007)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 56 (winter 2007/2008)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 57 (spring 2008)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 58 (summer 2008)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 59 (autumn 2008)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 60 (winter 2009)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 61 (spring 2009)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 62 (autumn 2009)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 63 (winter 2010)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 64 (spring 2010)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 65 (autumn 2010)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 66 (winter 2011)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 67 (spring 2011)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 68 (fall 2011)
Rev. Christopher Yonges family newsletter : Yonges news - issue 69 (winter 2012)
Rev. Dudley Woodbridge : his church record at Simsbury in Conn., 1697-1710
Rev. Edward Taylor, 1642-1729
Rev. Erastus Harvey and his descendants : being an outline of the Harvey family to and including most of the great-great-grandchildren
Rev. James Havens, one of the heroes of Indiana Methodism
Rev. John Bower, first minister at Derby, Conn., and his descendants
Rev. Joseph Hull and some of his descendants : including pedigree of the Arnold, Cary, Cornell, Quinby, Winthrop, Underhill, Wood and other families
Rev. Richard Blinman of Marshfield, Gloucester and New London
Rev. Silas Churchill's record, New Lebanon, N.Y.
Rev. William H. Hawkins
Rev. William S. White, D.D., and his times : [1800-1873] An autobiography
Revenue of the Scottish crown, 1681
Revercomb family papers
Reverend Benjamin Griffith and some of his descendants
Reverend Moses Miller of Heath, Massachusetts : address in commemoration of the life and work of the Reverend Moses Miller, Pastor, First Congregational Church of Heath, 1804-1840
Revetzlow, Karl - Kirchenstaat, Staatskirche oder Trennung von Staat und Kirche
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 10] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 11] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 12] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 13] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 14] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 15] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 16] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 17] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 18] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 19] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 20] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 21] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 22] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 23] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 25] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 26] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 28] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 29] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 31] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 33] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 34] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 35] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 36] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 37] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 38] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 39] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 4] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 5] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 7] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [Vol. 9] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Review-atlas salutes [index] : back in 1942 Ralph Eckley needed a job so he wrote a salute to towns of the area; much history is written in the articles; every effort has been made to copy the newspaper articles from the microfilm; some are more legible than others
Revised Merritt records, 1977
Revised history of Harlem (city of New York), origin and early annals, prefaced by home scenes in the fatherlands, or notices of its founders before emigration : also sketches of numerous families and the recovered history of the land-titles
Revised journal of proceedings of the Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F. of Indiana
Revised register of the soldiers and sailors of New Hampshire in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866
Revised roster of Vermont volunteers : and lists of Vermonters who served in the army and navy of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-66
Revised roster, Company D, 12th Regiment, Iowa Infantry Volunteers [with supplement]
Revision of revised Merritt record, 1916, section F, record no. 10, supplement
Revision to 1946 of the first supplement to the Thomas Stanley section of the Stanley families of America ...
Revista [del Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Geneal?gicas], A?o 2, no. 2 (1943)
Revista [del Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealógicas], Año 6, no. 8 (1948/1949)
Revista [del Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealógicas], Año 7, no. 9/10 (1950/1951)
Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brazileiro - t. 70, pte. 1 (1907)
Revista genealógica brasileira
Revista trimensal do Instituto Historico Geographico e Ethnographico do Brasil - T. 35, Pt. 1 (1872)
Revival tornadoes : or, Life and labors of Rev. Joseph H. Weber, evangelist, the converted Roman Catholic
Revolution of 1688, and history of the Orange Association of England and Ireland.
Revolutionary War pension applicants who served from South Carolina
Revolutionary War pension of Humphrey Nichols
Revolutionary War pension records for John Black and correspondnece, 1834-1940
Revolutionary War period : Bible, family & marriage records : gleaned from pension applications, Vol. 23
Revolutionary War records including other records of Brownell and Warman
Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Delaware County
Revolutionary characters of New Haven : the subject of addresses and papers delivered before the General David Humphreys Branch, no. 1, Connecticut Society, Sons of the American Revolution; also list of men so far as they are known from the ter
Revolutionary patriot burials, Ontario county, New York
Revolutionary pension declarations, Strafford County, 1820-1832 : comprising sketches of soldiers of the Revolution
Revolutionary pensioners of 1818
Revolutionary pensioners of 1818
Revolutionary pensioners of 1818
Revolutionary pensioners, a transcript of the pension list of the United States for 1813
Revolutionary reader : reminiscences and Indian legends
Revolutionary reminiscences of Camden County : (originally part of "Old Gloucester") state of New Jersey
Revolutionary service of Colonel John Walker and family, and memoirs of Honorable Felix Walker
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Illinois
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Indiana, a supplement : 485 names not listed in the roster of soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution buried in Indiana (1938) nor in Revolutionary soldiers buried in Indiana (1949)
Revolutionary soldiers buried in Washington County, Ohio : containing military records and short history of lives
Revolutionary soldiers in Alabama
Revolutionary soldiers in Alabama : being a list of names, compiled from authentic sources, of soldiers of the American Revolution, who resided in the state of Alabama
Revolutionary soldiers in Alabama, Vol. 1
Revolutionary soldiers of Switzerland County, Indiana
Revolutionary soldiers resident or dying in Onondaga County, N.Y. : with supplementary list of possible veterans, based on a pension list of Franklin H. Chase, Syracuse, N.Y.
Revolutionary war descendants, Cass County, Indiana
Revolutionary war records : Virginia army and navy forces with bounty land warrants for Virginia Military District of Ohio, and Virginia military script, from federal and state archives
Revolutionary war service of Samuel Brown : with descendants of Ezra and Polly Brown Nichols, 1761-1940
Reynolds County deeds index / compiled by Carol Massie; v. 01
Reynolds County deeds index / compiled by Carol Massie; v. 02
Reynolds County deeds index / compiled by Carol Massie; v. 03
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 14 (Aug. 1905)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 21 (Aug. 1912)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 22 (Aug. 1913)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 24 (Jun. 1915)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 26-27 (Oct. 1918)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 30 (Sept. 1921)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 38 (1929)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 39-40 (1931)
Reynolds Family Association annual report - v. 41-43 (1934)
Reynolds Family Association annual report; v. 44-46 (1937)
Reynolds family
Reynolds family of White County, Ind., 1682-1914
Reynolds family records
Reynolds recollections : Reynolds Family Association, Vol. 4
Reynolds recollections : Reynolds Family Association, Vol. 5
Reynolds recollections : Reynolds Family Association, Vol. 6
Reynolds recollections : Reynolds Family Association, Vol. 7
Reynolds, Hellenga and Hughes families of Michigan
Rezension zu: ‘Erkenntnis des Vollkommenen: Wege der Vernunft zu Gott’ von Josef Seifert
Répertoire bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au XVIIIe siècle
Répertoire bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au XVIIIe siècle
Répertoire bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au XVIIIe siècle
Rheinische Wasserburgen
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
Rheinsagen aus dem Munde des Volkes und deutscher Dichter
Rhoda M. Coffin, her reminiscences, addresses, papers and ancestry
Rhoda Munsey Weems Carter, a pioneer Methodist mother of the upper south
Rhode Island Historical Society collections
Rhode Island Historical Society collections
Rhode Island Historical Society collections
Rhode Island Historical Society collections
Rhode Island Historical Society collections
Rhode Island births, 1897
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island historical tracts
Rhode Island in the colonial wars : a list of Rhode Island soldiers & sailors in the old French & Indian war, 1755-1762
Rhode Island towns, North Smithfield : showing location of historical cemeteries
Rhode Island; its making and its meaning; a survey of the annals of the commonwealth from its settlement to the death of Roger Williams, 1636-1683
Rice family
Rice trails, 1717-1975
Richard Brown : one line of descendants
Richard Caton of Catonsville : family history
Richard Clarke of Rowley, Massachusetts, and his descendants in the line of Timothy Clark of Rockingham, Vt., 1638-1904 : with an account of the family reunion held in Rochester, Vermont, August 30, 1904
Richard Curtice, master mariner : a genealogy of Richard Curtice of Salem, Massachusetts, and Southold, Long Island, whose father appears to have been the master mariner
Richard Cutts
Richard Haines and his descendants, a Quaker family of Burlington County, New Jersey, since 1682
Richard Haines and his descendants, a Quaker family of Burlington County, New Jersey, since 1682
Richard Haines and his descendants, a Quaker family of Burlington, New Jersey, since 1682; Vol. 02
Richard Hargrave, pioneer and circuit rider of Indiana : ca.1750-1879
Richard Higgins : a resident and pioneer settler at Plymouth and Eastham, Massachusetts, and at Piscataway, New Jersey, and his descendants
Richard Higgins, a resident and pioneer settler at Plymouth and Eastham, Massachusetts and at Piscataway, New Jersey, and his descendants
Richard II : épisode de la rivalité de la France et de l'Angleterre
Richard Ingersoll of Salem, Massachusetts and some of his descendants
Richard Kirby of Sandwich, Dartmouth and Oyster Bay, 1603-1755
Richard Newton of Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1638-9 : also an account of the Indian raid in Barnard, Vermont, August 9, 1780
Richard Peters, his ancestors and descendants. 1810-1889
Richard Pinkham of old Dover, New Hampshire and his descendants East and West
Richard Richards of Maryland
Richard Scott and his wife Catharine Marbury, and some of their descendants
Richard Seymour of Hartford
Richard Stringfield family
Richard Wagner [microform] : eine Skizze seines Lebens und Wirkens
Richard Wagner an Emil Heckel : zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Bühnenfestspiele in Bayreuth
Richard Wagner; a sketch of his life and works
Richard Warren of the Mayflower and some of his descendants
Richard Williams, and the Cromwell family
Richard de Bury, bishop of Durham ..
Richards and Allied Families : Line of Jeremiah Richards
Richardson-De Priest family
Richey tracks, vol. 3
Richey tracks, vol. 5
Richland & Kershaw Counties, South Carolina cemetery records, Vol. 1
Richland Evangelical Friends Church : homecoming book--1969
Richmond and Cambridge City, Indiana, city directory
Richmond as a manufacturing and trading centre : including a historical sketch of the city
Richmond family records, vol. 1
Richmond family records, vol. 2
Richmond, California, city directory
Richmond, California, city directory
Richmond, Indiana, and Wayne County, Indiana, directory
Richmond, Indiana, and Wayne County, Indiana, directory
Richmond, Indiana, and Wayne County, Indiana, directory
Richmond, Indiana, city directory
Richmond, Indiana, city directory
Richmond, Mass. town records : also index of old pages which are not included here but may be found in the R.H. Cooke's records from which the above have been copied
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, Virginia, city directory
Richmond, William and Timony Terrell : colonial Virginians
Richmond, her past and present
Richmond, its people and its story : with 83 illustrations
Richmondshire wills (Eastern deaneries) [prior to 1617]; being a calendar to the probate records formerly in the custody of the Archdeacon of Richmond; [pt. 2: Northern genealogist (extracts)]
Richter family tree
Rider - Ryder
Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline County, Missouri
Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline County, Missouri; pt. 01
Riding up the Old Chisolm Trail, 1887 : a true story
Ridpaths' history of the world : being an account of the principal events in the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the present time comprising the development of social institutions and the story of all nations fro, vol. 1
Rigby family
Right here in Pittsburgh
Rightmeyer and allied families including the Van Antwerp, House, Dygert and Lehr families : clippings from the St. Johnsville [N.Y.] Enterprise and News
Riley Hoosier stories by James Whitcomb Riley;
Riley Smith Emmons & Priscilla Eleanor Howard, their ancestors & descendants
Ringan Gilhaize : or, The covenanters
Ringan Gilhaize : or, The covenanters
Ringan Gilhaize : or, The covenanters
Ringgold in the United States
Ringgold in the United States
Ringgold of Kent and Queen Anne's Counties, Maryland
Ripley heritage v.13; The Ripley County heritage : a quarterly newsletter of the Ripley County Historical Society
Ripley heritage v.15; The Ripley County heritage : a quarterly newsletter of the Ripley County Historical Society
Ripp (family)
Ririe memories, the life histories and genealogy of the families of James and Ann Boyack Ririe, 1750-1964
Rise of constitutional government in England
Rise of constitutional government in England
Rising genealogy - composite index of names & family histories : for four volume set of Rising family genealogy published in 1983
Rising genealogy, Vol. 1
Rising genealogy, Vol. 2
Rising genealogy, Vol. 3
Ritter genealogy : a record of five generations of the descendants of Daniel Ritter of Lunenberg, Mass.
Ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic
Riverdale City directory : Weber County, Utah - 1968
Rivett Family
Rixida - 1948
Rixida - 1951
Rixida - 1952
Rixida - 1953
Rixida - 1954
Rixida - 1955
Roach, Roberts, Ridgeway and allied families
Road atlas of Great Britain with special London section & town plans
Roads; being an entirely original and accurate description of all the direct and principal cross roads in England and Wales, with part of the roads of Scotland, to which are added topographical sketches of the several cities, market towns, and remarkable villages; and descriptive accounts of the principal seats of the nobility and gentry, the antiquities, natural curiosities, and other remarkable objects throughout the kingdom, the whole remodelled, augmented, and improved by the addition of numerous new roads and new admeasurements, and arragned upon a plan at once novel, clear, and intelligible, is deduced from the latest and best authorities including a table of the heights of mountains from the grand trigonometrical survey of the kingdom; also a table of the population, from the census of 1821; to which is annexed the arrival and departure o the mail, together with the rates of postage, and an entirely new set of maps
Robb-Lanterman family record
Robbins family
Robert & Andrew Foulis and the Glasgow Press : with some account of the Glasgow Academy of the Fine Arts
Robert Ayars and his descendants
Robert Bartlett
Robert Bayley the first schoolmaster in Falmouth (Portland) Maine and some of his descendants
Robert Bell and Lucy Zell Woodworth : antecedents and progeny, facts and anecdotes
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 1
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 10
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 11
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 12
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 13
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 14
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 15
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 16
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 17
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 3
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 4
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. 9
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. Supplement. V. [18]
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 1
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 10
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 12
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 13
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 15
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 16
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 17
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 18
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 2
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 20
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 21
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 22
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 23
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 24
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 25
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 26
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 27
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 28
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 29
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 30
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 31
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 34
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 35
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 36
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 37
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 38
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 39
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 4
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 42
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 43
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 44
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 45
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 46
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 48
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 5
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 50
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 51
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 53
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 54
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 55
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 56
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 58
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 6
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 60
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 61
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 62
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 63
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 64
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 66
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 67
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 68
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 69
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 70
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 72
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 73
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 75
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 8
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. V. 9
Robert Bruce Blake research collection. v. 65
Robert Calef of Boston : and some of his descendants
Robert Campbell and his descendants
Robert Charles Winthrop
Robert Clark Masonic Lodge no. 646, Saxton Creek (i.e., Sexton Creek), Kentucky : 1890-1903
Robert Clements of Haverhill, Massachusetts, and some of his descendants
Robert Coe, Puritan, his ancestors and descendants, 1340-1910 : with notices of other Coe families
Robert Devoy, a tale of the Palmyra massacre
Robert Eames of Woburn, Mass. and some of his descendants
Robert Emmet Ireland's patriot martyr
Robert Franklin & Mary Louisa Ellett Durfey : to their posterity of 508; you are their legacy with their ideals, examples and love
Robert Harris and his descendants with notices of the Morey and Metcalf families
Robert John Young and Daisie Frances Denton : ancestral notes and some of their descendants
Robert Kitchel and his descendants : from 1624 to 1879
Robert Lucas
Robert Middleton, ca. 1651 - ca. 1707, of Charles and Prince Georges Counties, Maryland, and numerous descendants of his
Robert Moffat, African missionary
Robert Morrison : the pioneer of Chinese missions
Robert Patton : 1742 Ireland - 1832 America (Tennessee) : his descendants
Robert Pennybaker Jones, his ancestors and descendants
Robert Potter : remarkable North Carolinian and Texan
Robert Ramble's [pseud.] stories selected from the history of England, from the conquest to the revolution
Robert Ramble's [pseud.] stories selected from the history of England, from the conquest to the revolution
Robert Reitzel
Robert Robertson & Tselatsetenate
Robert Sanders and John Sanders of Adair County, Kentucky
Robert Seely(e) - Seeley of Connecticut, Vol. 2
Robert Srigley (1777-1836) and Jane Heacock Srigley (1787-1867) and their descendants to seven generations
Robert Vose and his descendants
Robert Vose and his times
Robert Wells of Clermont County, Ohio : and descendants, Vol. 2
Robert Wilkin (1766-1835) and Mary (Hyde) Wilkin, their parents and descendants : a genealogy
Robert William Wells : jurist, public servant, and designer of the Missouri state seal
Robert Williams of Roxbury, Mass., and his descendants : four generations
Robert and Elizabeth Cale Taylor family
Robert de Moldar, chef de brigands
Roberts : the genealogy of a southeastern Kentucky family, Vol. 2
Roberts and allied families : McRee, Brooks, Gamble, Craighead, Clark
Roberts family
Roberts family history : George "Daniel" Roberts and Ida Amelia Osborn Roberts Jackman, Vol. 1
Roberts family research
Roberts, a family in Virginia and Kentucky from 1705 : the descendants of John Roberts, the common ancestor of this family
Robertson family records
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - Dec 1971
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - Dec 1972
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - Dec 1974
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - July 1969
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - June 1973
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - March 1970
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - March 1974
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - Sept 1970
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly - Sept 1974
Robertson--Roberson--Robinson quarterly: Dec 1973
Robeson County, North Carolina marriage bonds, early to 1868
Robinett family history : Moses Robinett, April 16, 1811 - Oct. 23, 1878
Robinson genealogy : descendants of the Rev. John Robinson pastor of the pilgrims
Robinson genealogy, Vol. 2
Robinson newsletter - v.1, no.10 (May 1977)
Robinson newsletter - v.1, no.2 (Sept 1976)
Robinson newsletter - v.1, no.7 (Feb 1977)
Robinson newsletter - v.1, no.8 (March 1977)
Robinson newsletter - v.1, no.9 (April 1977)
Robison Park, 1896-1919
Rochester Theological Seminary general catalogue 1850 to 1910
Rochester Theological Seminary general catalogue 1850 to 1920 : together with the historical discourse delivered as a part of the semi-centennial exercises, May the Ninth 1900, by President Augustus H. Strong
Rochester [New Hampshire] directory : containing general information of the citizens, business, streets, and the city record. - 1893
Rock - 1966
Rock - 1985
Rock County, Wisconsin farm & ranch directory - 1966
Rock Island County, Illinois will abstracts, vol. 1
Rockefeller genealogy; v. 01
Rockefeller genealogy; v. 02
Rockford Hebrew Cemetery records
Rockford city directory and county gazetteer : with a history of Winnebago County ... - 1869
Rockford today : historical, descriptive, biographical
Rockingham County in the World War, 1917-1918, Virginia
Rod Ivanka z Jordánu a Dražkoviec : Príspevok k dejinám Turca;
Rod dvori?a?n Chernopi?a?tovykh : prezhde Chernopi?a?tye i Chernago Pi?a?tykh;
Rod dvori︠a︡n Gli︠e︡bovykh;
Rodgers family genealogy
Rodgers family records
Rodman [genealogy: Thomas and Catharine (Fry) Rodman of Rhode Is.]
Rodoslov?e Orlovskikh dvori?a?n Maslovykh;
Rodziny : the Journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America - v. 35, no. 4 (fall 2012)
Roger Alling (Allen) and John Alling (Allen, Sr.) : cousins and pioneer settlers of New Haven, Connecticut and some of their descendants
Roger Clap's memoirs : with account of voyage of the "Mary and John", 1630
Roger Conant, a founder of Massachusetts
Roger Knapp (of New Haven, Conn. 1638/47) and some of his descendants : a genealogy founded upon research of and material collected by Charles Ruggles Knapp, John McSweeny, Ezra Fred Knapp and Alfred Averill Knapp
Roger Mourning, his book
Roger Williams of Providence, Rhode Island, Vol. 1
Roger Wolcott
Roger of Wendover's Flowers of history, Comprising the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235; formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris
Roger of Wendover's Flowers of history, Comprising the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235; formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris
Rogers family data in the New England Genealogical Register
Rogers family history
Rogers newsletter - v.1, no.1 (Jan 1976)
Rogers newsletter - v.1, no.3 (Mar 1976)
Rogers, Ward, Shipman, and allied families
Rogers-Turfler family : a search for ancestors
Rogue digger, v.39
Rogue digger, v.40
Rogue digger, v.41
Rohov?t? z Tasova : nejstar?? ?ij?c? selsk? rod v ?esk?ch zem?ch;
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 2
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 3
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 4
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 5
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 6
Rohrer (Rorer) family (26 lines) and charts of other surnames of Parish Buchs, S. G., Switzerland : books 1 - 10, Vol. 8
Rolfe family records, V. 2
Roll and minute books of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Cassia County, Idaho (1957-1978) ; 1935-1942
Roll call
Roll call, West Creighton Ave. Church of Christ, April 2, 1905
Roll of Anatomy Classes at Anderson's College
Roll of Edinburgh burgesses and guild-brethren
Roll of Edinburgh burgesses and guildbretheren, 1406-1700, pt. 104
Roll of Edinburgh burgesses and guildbretheren, 1406-1700, pt. 108
Roll of Edinburgh burgesses and guildbretheren, 1406-1700, pt. 109
Roll of Edinburgh burgesses and guildbretheren, 1406-1700, pt. 112
Roll of New Hampshire soldiers at the Battle of Bennington, August 16, 1777
Roll of honor : names of soldiers who died in defence of the American Union, interred in .., Vol. 14
Roll of honor : names of soldiers who died in defense of the American union, interred in the national [and other] cemeteries
Roll of honor : record of burial places of soldiers, sailors, marines and army nurses of all wars of the United States buried in the State of Illinois, Vol. 1
Roll of members
Roll of members of the military company of the Massachusetts : now called the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts, with a roster of the commissioned officiers and preachers, 1638-1894
Roll of membership and ancestors
Roll of the ... annual encampment ... 40th-43rd, 1906-1909; 54th, 1920
Roll of the ... annual encampment ... 40th-43rd, 1906-1909; 54th, 1920
Roll of the ... annual encampment ... 40th-43rd, 1906-1909; 54th, 1920
Roll of the ... annual encampment ... 40th-43rd, 1906-1909; 54th, 1920
Roll of the Drapers' company of London : collected from the company's records and other sources
Roll of the general society, including general officers, delegates and alternates, also standing committee and hereditary and honorary members, 1st April, 1923, together with necrological list from April, 1920 to April, 1923.
Roll-book of the sixteenth regiment Indiana Volunteers : mustered into the U.S. Service May 14th 1861 for one year
Rollamo - 1943
Rollamo - 1946
Rollamo - 1952
Rollamo - 1962
Rolls and lists of Connecticut men in the Revolution, 1775-1783 V.8
Rolls of membership of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, corrected to July 1, 1898;
Rolls of membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1844-1891
Rolls of membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1844-1891
Rom und das christenthum. Eine darstellung des kampfes zwischen dem alten und dem neuen glauben im römischen reiche während der beiden ersten jahrhunderte unsrer zeitrechnung
Roman Britain
Roman Catholic records in Ireland
Romance of a motor mission : with General Booth on his White Car Crusade
Romance of genealogy
Romance of genealogy
Romanische Wortschöpfung
Romantischer sozialismus; ein Versuch über die Idee der deutschen Revolution
Root cellar pres v.28 ; Root cellar preserves
Root cellar preserves - v. 34, no. 3 (June/Sept. 2012)
Root genealogical records, 1600-1870 : comprising the general history of the Root and Roots families in America
Roots and branches
Roots of the Woodrum family, 1683--2000 (Revised edition)
Roots of the Woodrum family, 1683--2000, Revised edition 2007 supplement
Roots, seeds, and other things, vol. 2
Roper cemetery, 1976
Rosbrugh, a tale of the revolution, or Life, labors and death of Rev. John Rosbrugh, chaplain in the Continental Army, clerical martyr of the revolution, killed by Hessians, in the battle of Assunpink, at Trenton, New Jersey, Jan. 2d, 1777 : fo
Rose Hill Cemetery
Rose neighborhood sketches, Wayne County, New York : with glimpses of the adjacent towns; Butler, Wolcott, Huron, Sodus, Lyons and Savannah
Rose neightborhood sketches, Wayne County, New York; with glimpses of the adjacent towns: Butler, Wolcott, Huron, Sodus, Lyons and Savannah
Roseberry family genealogy
Roseland Park Cemetery, Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Miss
Rosier's narrative of Waymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, in 1605
Rosilla, Russell, Christopher Matteson
Ross County Genealogical Society newsletter - v. 40, no. 2 (Oct. 2012)
Ross county Pittengers
Rossiana : papers and documents relating to the history and genealogy of the ancient and noble house of Ross, of Ross-shire, Scotland ... and the New England and Mayflower families of Allerton, Bradford, Cook, Cushman, Freeman, Marshall, Warren
Roster ... 1885, 1908-09, 1912, 1921
Roster 1894
Roster and record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion : together with historical sketches of volunteer organizations, 1861-1866 Vol 1
Roster and record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion : together with historical sketches of volunteer organizations, 1861-1866 Vol 3
Roster and record of Iowa soldiers in the War of the Rebellion : together with historical sketches of volunteer organizations, 1861-1866; v. 02
Roster of City Salesman's Club, Birmingham, Alabama
Roster of Co. I, 6th Iowa Infantry, war of the rebellion ..
Roster of Confederate pensioners of Virginia
Roster of Nebraska volunteers from 1861 to 1869
Roster of Ohio soldiers in the War of 1812
Roster of Richmond soldiers and history of Richmond Township
Roster of Vermont men and women in the military and naval service of the United States and allies in the World War, 1917-1919
Roster of membership, Sunlight lodge no. 190, Knights of Pythias, about 1917, Pennville, Indiana
Roster of officers and troops in the field at Crisfield, Kansas, July and August 1885 : Col. Henry A. Morrow, 21st Infantry, commanding
Roster of posts of the Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic : and the department and staff officers for the year 1886
Roster of soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution buried in Indiana
Roster of soldiers, sailors and marines of the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the War of the Rebellion... : residing in Nebraska, June 1, 1891
Roster of surviving members of the Fourth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, 1861-1865, with a brief historical sketch of the regiment. January, 1891
Roster of survivors of the Twenty-third Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry : re-union of ...
Roster of the Commandery of Vermont, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States
Roster of the Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic
Roster of the Masonic bodies in Allen County, Indiana : tableau of officers and members, April 1, 1898
Roster of the Ohiowa Association : living in Polk county and Ohioans and their descendants who are eligible to membership
Roster of the Society Sons of the Revolution in the state of California
Roster of the members of the Signal Corps. U.S.A. 1861-1865 : comprising all whose addresses are known arranged alphabetically and by states and cities or towns
Roster of the surviving members of the Eighty-eighth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, corrected to August 1st, 1889
Roster, past president's parley and historical sketches : American Legion. Auxiliary. Kansas Dept.
Roster, 1900
Roster, Society, Sons of the Revolution in the State of California ..
Roster, Society, Sons of the Revolution in the State of California ..
Roster, Society, Sons of the Revolution in the State of California ..
Roster, Society, Sons of the Revolution in the State of California ..
Rothfuss family record : tributes to Rosa Rothfuss-Knapp : excerpts from diaries of G. F. Knapp
Rotuli Parliamentorum : ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento, Vol. 1
Rotuli Parliamentorum : ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento, Vol. 2
Rotuli Parliamentorum : ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento, Vol. 3
Rotuli Parliamentorum : ut et petitiones et placita in parliamento, Vol. 6 and 7
Rotuli curiae regis : rolls and records of the court held before the King's justiciars or justices, Vol. 1
Rotuli de dominabus et pueris et puellis de XII comitatibus, 1185 : printed from the original in the custody of the Right Hon. the master of the rolls, under the direction of the council of the Pipe Roll Society
Rouge et noir, a tale of Baden-Baden
Rough subject index to the publications of the Essex Institute : Proceedings, v. 1-6, Bulletin, v. 1-22, Historical collections, v. 1-27 / from the Historical collections of the Essex institute, v. 27.
Roughrider - 1966
Round about Jamestown; historical sketches of the lower Virginia peninsula
Rounds genealogy
Rounds-Spring-Shaw-Rector families from Yates County, New York, to Kent County, Michigan
Roundtrip, Ledyard to France with the 308th Infantry, memories of World War I
Route from Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley : illustrated with steel engravings and wood cuts from sketches made by Frederick Piercy, including views of Nauvoo and the ruins of the temple, with a historical account of the city; views of Cath
Route of the Oregon Trail in Idaho : from Thomas Fork Valley at the Wyoming state line westward to Fort Boise at the Oregon state line
Rowell's American newspaper directory
Rowell's American newspaper directory
Rowell's American newspaper directory
Rowell's American newspaper directory
Rowell's American newspaper directory
Rowntree and Rountree family history, 1521-1953
Roxie Jane Fullmer Horne, autobiography, 1882-1973
Royal ancestors of some LDS families
Royal ancestors of some LDS families; supp b
Royal ancestors of some LDS families; supp d
Royal ancestors of some LDS families; supp e
Royal ancestry of George Leib Harrison of Philadelphia
Royal book of crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australia, Vol. 2
Royal castles of England; comprising an account of those ancient fortresses which from the days of William the Conqueror either were the homes of English sovereigns or have been intimately associated with the history and romance of their lives
Royal county directory of Devonshire
Royal descent of the late John Adams Bartlett, esquire, of Liverpool, from Edward I, king of England : copied with notes and additions, from the original pedigree recorded at the College of arms ...
Royal descents and pedigrees of founders' kin
Royal descents of Donald Busby Lothian
Royal heritage of descendants of Susanna Everard and her husband, David Meade, and Elizabeth Rootes and her husband, Rev. John Thompson
Royal heritage of descendants of Susanna Everard and her husband, David Meade, and Elizabeth Rootes and her husband, Rev. John Thompson
Royal illustrated history of eastern England, civil, military, political, and ecclesiastical : from the earliest period to the present time, including a survey of the eastern counties: physical features, geology and natural history of Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk, description of antiquities including an account of agriculture, manufactures, trades, &c., memoirs of county families and eminent men of every period
Royal line of the Beeman--Deming family, from William the Conqueror
Royal warrant of nobility and blazonry of Mr. John Emanuel de Ceballos Sanchez Rubayo y Herrera : [translated by P.E. Traub ; copied by E.M. Winter]
Royal women; their history and romance
Royalty restored : or, London under Charles II
Rozier's history of the early settlement of the Mississippi valley
Rubens's family, genealogical notes
Rudder - 1919
Ruf, Haight, Eddy, Sumner, Hatch and allied families : genealogical and biographical...
Ruffin and other genealogies
Rugby Tennessee : being some account of the settlement founded on the Cumberland Plateau by The Board of Aid to Land Ownership, Limited, a company incorporated in England and authorized to hold and deal in land by act of the Legislature of the
Ruhl, Oberdier, Harper, Easterday
Rules and regulations of the Metropolitan Police Department of Kansas City Missouri, adopted and in force Sept. 1, 1912
Rules, confession of faith, and covenant of the Central Congregational Church, with a catalogue of its officers and members.
Rulewater and its people : an account of the Valley of the Rule and its inhabitants
Ruling houses of Europe
Rulon family and their descendants
Runner, Beaver, Brake
Rural directory, Butler County - 1939/40
Rush County war activities, 1861 to 1918, at home and in the field
Rush County, Indiana index of names of persons and of firms
Rush Genealogy
Rush family of Somerset County, New Jersey : descendants of some of Peter senior's children
Rushbrook parish registers, 1567 to 1850 : with Jermyn and Davers annals
Ruskin centenary addresses, 8 February, 1919. Edited by J. Howard Whitehouse
Russell County, Kentucky marriage bonds and certificates, Vol. 3 Part 1
Russell county, Kentucky, pension records : abstracts of pension papers of the soldiers of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Indian wars, residing in Russell County, Kentucky
Russell families of seventeenth century New England
Russell register, Vol. 10
Russell register, Vol. 13
Russell register, Vol. 14
Russell register, Vol. 8
Russell register, Vol. 9
Russia and Germany at Brest-Litovsk; a documentary history of the peace negotiations
Russian-English Dictionary
Russkaia mysl
Russkaia mysl
Russkaia mysl
Russkaia mysl
Russland seit Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft
Russland; europa?isches Russland, Eisenbahnen in Russ.-Asien, Teheran, Peking;
Rust of Virginia : genealogical and biographical sketches of the descendants of William Rust, 1654-1940
Ruth Perkins Mathews
Rutherford County Historical Society publications - no. 7 Summer 1976
Ruthven correspondence. Letters and papers of Patrick Ruthven, Earl of Forth and Brentford, and of his family, A.D. 1615 - A.D. 1662. With an appendix of papers relating to Sir John Urry
Rutland County record : reform, progress, independence, Fair Haven, Vermont - v. 1, no. 30 (1888)
Rutland County record : reform, progress, independence, Fair Haven, Vermont - v. 1, no. 33 (1888)
Rutland County record : reform, progress, independence, Fair Haven, Vermont - v. 2, no. 10 (1888)
Rutland directory embracing the residents of the village of Rutland, Center Rutland, West Rutland and Sutherland Falls, also a business directory, a street directory, and an appendix of interesting local information - 1887-1888
Rydal. Edited by Willingham F. Rawnsley
Ryder Family of Putnam County, N.Y.
Rye shipping records, 1566-1590
Rye's monographs of Norwich hamlets
Rylands, of the Rylands within West-Houghton, Co. Lancaster
Rymes genealogy : Samuel Rymes of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and his descendants
Répertoire numérique des archives anterieures à 1792, série C, (administrations provinciales);
Répertoire d'épigraphie jaina, précédé d'une esquisse de l'histoire du jainisme d'après les inscriptions
Répertoire de mariages de Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Vanier (Eastview), Ontario 1887-1971, et de la base militaire de Finter (Rockliffe), Ontario, 1950-1954; Orléans (St-Joseph), Ontario, 1860-1972
Répertoire des mariages Tremblay
Répertoire des mariages Tremblay, vol. 3
Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade : comté de Champlain, 1684 à 1900
Répertoire des mariages des femmes Lamarche
, vol. 1
Répertoire numerique de la serie C, Intendance - Subdelegations - Bureau des Finances - Election - Bureaux de Domaines;
Répertoire numerique de la serie Q : biens nationaux;
Répertoire numérique de la série C. II C : domaines et droits joints;
Répertoire numérique de la série L : administration du département, des districts, et des cantons;
Répertoire numérique de la série T : Instruction publique, dressé;
Répertoire numérique de la série V (cultes);
Répertoire numérique des archives départementales antérieures à 1790 : Seine-Inférieure, archives civiles, séries C et D;
Répertoire numérique des archives départementales, Seine-Inférieure, série L, période révolutionnaire;
Répertoire numérique des fonds de l'amirauté de Guienne (6B) et de la juridiction consulaire (7B);
Répertoire universel du commerce et de la navigation, contenant les droits de navigation, les tarifs de douanes de toutes les contrées ... par M. Maiseau et une société de géographes et de négocians
Ríocht na Midhe, v.19 ; records of Meath Archaeological and Historical Society
Ríochta na Midhe : records of Meath Archaeological and Historical Society - v. 23 (2012)
Römische Elegien nach der ältesten Reinschrift;
Römische Geschichte
Römische Geschichte
Römische Inschriften aus Bonn [microform]
Römischer Kayserlicher Mayestet Einreytten, gen Boloniga : auch wie sich Bäpstliche Hayligkait gegen seiner Kayserlichen Mayestaten gehalten habe &c
Rübezahl, ein Familienname;
R̈adowitz' ausgewählte Schriften